Lost Sheep

in Freewriters6 months ago



What do I see : I see a flock of sheep huddling close to a particular one

What do i feel : I feel they are giving that particular sheep some protection and some warmth to show that they care.


There was a farmer who owns multiple fields of farm land while he was busy at the farm his son Jake helped him in the farm and while he was done tend to the sheep. Regularly after they are done with the farm the father would take the sheep out for grazing but this particular day he let his son take them out for grazing.

Jake took a total of 15 sheeps while they were done grazing at the particular field his dad directed him to go, on his way he encountered a different path that led to 3 fields he said to him self when next he got the chance to do this again he'd try those other fields out. Reaching back home he noticed that the number of sheep he returned with was short by one by that time it was already late to go search for the lost sheep he told his dad about it and was told to go in search of it the next day.

Immediately at sunrise the next day, Jake went in search of the lost sheep, hours passed by but he was unable to find the sheep, he then remembered the paths the encountered on his way back, he searched two of the fields in that path but was unable to find his lost sheep he then went on to search the last field he walked deep into the field an found an old house which was said to belong to an old farmer.

Reaching there he met an old man sitting in his rocking chair enjoying the evening breeze, he greeted him and without delay he asked the farmer if he saw a sheep wondering around in his fields, the old man replied saying he came across a lost sheep in his fields and took it in for safety measures, Jake was pleased to hear the sheep was safe he requested the farmer release the sheep to him that it was his but the farmer refused he needed to be sure that the sheep belonged to Jake, he told Jake to prove to him that the sheep was his and he wasn't just some cattle thief. He started by describing the physical look of the sheep while the farmer was convinced that Jake was right he need to be extra sure it actually belonged to him.

He asked Jake if he has a name he calls the sheep and told him if he does he should call out the name that if the sheep is truly your's it would come to you, without hesitation Jake shouted out snowy and behold was his sheep running to meet him then the farmer believe the sheep belonged to Jake and so he let him go with it, Jake thanked the farmer for keeping his sheep safe and returned home.

On their return, the rest of the sheep gathered closely around snowy huddling protectively after she was found.

Thanks for Reading

My entry into #Pic1000


Snowy must be the only sheep in the world listening to her name.
Thank you for writing with us!
A good creative week/end.

Thanks for having me
Happy weekend to you as well