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RE: Comfort in Nature

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

Did you try another separate browser @jerrytsuseer? That is not a specialized link, it is just generic off the web when I had it open, I just opened it to verify the link works, here is the link unabridged:


I guess I am just not understanding what to DO with the app.
I uploaded an image and then nothing seems to work after that
I thought from what you said it would GENERATE an image based on the text or something, but nothing happened at all before I uploaded this image

I suppose I just don't have time or mental bandwidth to learn a new application right now

Um, no, it's not based on text, just to start it, click on the paint brush and just make some lines, if you make any that are closed off, just use the paint bucket to fill it in.
Here I show how, in simple terms, how I painted the pic in this post:
It's up to you @jerrytsuseer, it doesn't take much to do this, slop a little paint in the box and it draws it for you; it's not rocket science lol!!! The instructions are super simple.