Bad Sign -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters2 months ago


Bad sign

Not a bad sign. A nice way to start the new year, with a conversation with someone from the recruitment department who thinks I am so qualified, she wishes I'd apply for a more senior position (and I'll consider it down the line, but for now, I want something with fewer hours while my wife is in grad school).


Bad sign, huh? Bad sign. It's early in the year...

Let's see. I don't believe in bad omens, but bad signs, sure, as in, this thing happened, and I think I can see that it is an early indication that rough things will happen. It's a bad sign that there's been so little precipitation in SoCal so far this winter. That doesn't look like it'll change soon, so we're looking at drought conditions next year maybe? Not much snowpack. I guess it's been rainy further north, so the rivers that flow down here might still be ok? It just means my dirt is dry.

What other bad signs are there? Lots of actors continue to be out of work....

But actually, I keep seeing good signs. Like the improv company that employs me has found a new space to rent, so after 5 years of only doing private shows, we'll have public shows again, I hope.