Applied for the wrong job -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters2 months ago


I am in charge of NASA. It was a mistake. I saw "senior" in the job title, and thought, "I'm old, this is for me". But Senior meant "with lots of experience"

I mean, they asked me how many years I'd been doing this, and I just thought they meant how old I was. I happened to be born shortly before we went to the moon, and I guess I share a name with someone who worked on that mission who kind of receded from public life shortly I guess they jumped to some conclusions. Anyways. The point is, here I am, in charge of NASA, and I gotta say, it's not as hard as I thought it might be. Mostly I tell people that space is cool and they should give us more money. Which I believe to be true anyways. They keep wanting me to tell them how we can cut costs, and I keep telling them "no, you give too much money to war, and not enough to us. Stop trying to cut costs. There's not enough in our budget to make penny-pinching worthwhile ."

And that seems to work, so I'm being hailed as a real stand-up-for-what's-right leader. Which is nice. I wonder if maybe people need to do this more instead of finding solutions to the problems that powerful people are creating, we need to just insist that the powerful people stop causing problems.


Sometimes finding job is not easy. Sometimes you lose them but if you think that everything happens for a reason then there's no reason for you to stop maybe that work is not for you in the very first place and maybe there is something that God wanted to be for you. Just be positive always to continue to find a job even if you don't know what lies ahead.