My introductory blog message to the great freewrite community.

in Freewriters3 years ago

Hello members of my motherhood community, I am ime obong Emmanuel, a pianist and a music tutor.

I leave in the southern part of Nigeria, am from akwaibom precisely but I am currently based in the federal capital territory of Nigeria (Abuja).

I am a new member of the community, as events always have it that every speaker gets introduced. I am using this medium to introduce myself. I am chocolate in color with an average height


My favorite food is rice and stew prepared with alongside local fowl meat and chilled bottom of coke.

I am a music tutor  "IMG_20220430_041944_460.jpg" And also a pianist at kingdom saint assembly.


 "IMG_20220205_115055.jpg" I have written two books about the basics of music which are very necessary in the music industry today. As my system crashed I wasn't able to market it but it is still in progress.

The basics of music is recommended in order to build you musicaly to professional level, because music is professionally done when the musical artist involved has a basic knowledge about music.

It is a book recommended for school for kids, young ones and adult.

I also wrote a book which am still proof reading currently. The book titled (sing on key)


As a music tutor, I have noticed this over time that most singer finds it difficult to sing on a given key when singing a song. Just less than 20% of singers can sing on a given piano key. So the (sing on key) was writing to address problems like this, it is also recommend for young ones and adult singers.

Music is what I enjoy doing, I also have many music friends that positively supporting my job


Am also a pianist of many gosple artist @Dorcas_Harrison major music leader at Shepard's House, a popular church in Nigeria


And many more.

I am also a lover of coding, building apps and website,



I practice and write code every day


And also looking towards being the best programmer on earth, and also hope for God to see me through.

I am glad to be in this great community and agree to abide by the rules and regulations that governes the community.


Welcome to Freewriters! 😎

Welcome to Freewriters community.