Novel "The Man that changes Everything"

in Freewriters5 months ago

Hello Everyone!!!

This is the Novel Drama written by me in my appeal period


The characters in the story were:

Jimmy Heo the main character

Martin[father of Jimmy]


Mrs. Martin {Julia]


Donald Lu [Villan]

Natty [Heroine]


For chapter one

jimmy was full of joy when he heard the news. The rich family also discovered at that year the genius mind of jimmy when he outsmarted the physics professor who was invited in his family party. The dream of jimmy is to be the most successful scientist in human history.He shared his dream with his fahter[rich family]. when his father heard his dream, he gave confidence to jimmy and asked him to try his best; he would help him whenever he wanted.

Time passed to 20 years later. Jimmy was a scientist; he discovered several medicines for the asthma patients—flu, dengue, and others—but he still felt that he could achieve more. The Jimmy brother has a medical problem because his brain was not developed with the time. At the age of 20, he still looked like a 5-year-old boy, and this situation gave Jimmy motivation to discover the medication for his brother. He tried his best, but he failed to discover the medicine for that disease.
Jimmy worked in the organization IORDD [International Organization for Drugs & Diseases] run by Donald Lu, who is a famous businessman. Jimmy has a girlfriend, Natty, who is a professor at the university. She was a batchmate of Jimmy, and both are in love at the start of university. Jimmy has a competitor whose name is Michael, who always wants to be ahead of Jimmy but can't pass Jimmy because of his high IQ. Michael always chose the same medicine that Jimmy worked in and tried to outclass him, but he always failed. The failure makes him the passionate scientist.

[To be Continued]