Daily prompt: "won't share"

in Freewriterslast year

Once upon a time in a little town of Ozuitem, there lived a boy named Godwin who had a peculiar secret. Godwin was known for his kindness and generosity, always willing to lend a hand or share his ideas with friends. But he had one thing he wouldn't share with anyone, his Hacking skills. He use his skills for protecting himself from internet scam, virus and also expose fraud. He didn't want to tell anyone about the secret because he was avoiding a situation where it would be used for a selfish gain instead of the stopping frauds.

One sunny afternoon two of his friends, David and Samuel curiously asked about this ethical hacking skill. "Godwin, why can't you tell us the secret of you skills? You never let anyone know about it."

Godwin hesitated for a moment, torn between his trust in friends and his desire to keep the secret hidden. Finally, he decided to share the knowledge with them. "It's a skill that requires a lot of programming and coding," he whispered, looking around to ensure no one else heard. "But they need to be kept safe."

Samuel's eyes sparkled with amazement and excitement. "Wow, that's incredible! Can you teach us? Godwin hesitated again, but a sense of friendship and trust prevailed. He replied "Yes, but you should not tell anyone else about it," Godwin warned them.

They nodded in agreement, fully understanding the responsibility that came with such knowledge. Over the weeks that followed, the friendship between Godwin and his friends became, bonded by this shared secret.

That's how Godwin shared the secret with his friends which helped to strengthen their bond.
The trio became inseparable, sharing laughter, dreams, and their ethical hacking skills.

But as time passed, Godwin began to notice a change of attitude in his friends. They became consumed by the skills and obsessed with fulfilling their own desire and ambition. His friends started using the skill for their own personal gain.

Godwin became worried about the consequences of his friends' reckless actions and the potential misuse of the skill. He realized he had made a mistake in sharing the secret with them, and it was time to make things right.

One day, Godwin bravely confronted his friends "I made a mistake in sharing this secret, and we need to protect it once again. The skill can be dangerous if used for selfish purposes," Godwin explained gently.

His friends eyes filled with disappointment, but they understood the importance of preserving such knowledge.

Thanks for reading😍