To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created)?
After you add the link, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that website.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Thank you.
More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup
Why should I do this?
What do you mean by "no interaction with the community"? I have generally only interacted with the freewrite community here but whether I do or not, I don't see how that's any of your business. @improv is my husband and @loch is our child. I've actually met people from this site in real life--who are you to judge my interaction with the community?
But also, my username is one I use for other social media accounts, so if you wanted to take two seconds and google it, I think you would find my internet presence pretty clearly. So please get off my back.
That's ok. I found your Instagram.
Could you please add the word "hive" to this Instagram post so I could verify your account?
I mean, of course I could
I'm just weighing how much I want to dig my heels in here, because why should I have to verify my account to you (or anyone else)?
I added the word "hive" as a comment. Can you verify that you've seen it so I can remove the comment?
It is verified now: