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RE: Grand Illusions, a Freewrite

in Freewriters2 years ago

I somehow managed my way out of that without having to take any pills, they just gave me a script and sent me on my way.
Really sorry to hear things haven't been good for you.

I've firmly resolved to ==Not Even Speak of It==

I can relate to that sentiment totally, doesn't seem to do any good either way expressing our issues. Sometimes it helps a little but not so much in the physical world, where the majority of our problems manifest, or maybe it's in our head. I don't know.

I tried to have a girlfriend and ended up in a psych ward lol.
I could point the finger, but I'm sure there's a few pointing back at me.

It's nice to see you again.I hope things get better for you @carolkean,


Oops, 8 days later, I see this. #Thankyou for your kind thoughts. And may all be well with you!