You have 3 days! Entries posted later will be upvoted but can not win HSBI.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
We all have heard this saying and have come across pictures that evoked all kinds of reactions in us. In this contest, we are presenting a photo/picture to write about.

- Describe what you see
- Describe what you feel
- Write a story or poem about what you think is going
- Use #pic1000
- Leave the link to your entry in the comment section (preferable peakd this saves us a lot of extra work)
Of course, we expect original work.
If the story that pours out of you after seeing the visual prompt is not obviously connected to the photo, please include a short paragraph how the prompt led you to the story.
Write as much or as little to say what you want to say. You are invited to craft a longer story but we don't want to ask for a certain wordcount.
For now, this is going to be a reward for participating this contest.
Each participant will receive an upvote and we'll reward the first 3 participants mentioned with 1 HSBI.
Participants 12/04/2021
1 HSBI for the three mentioned underneath:
Hope in our hands
A picture is worth a thousand words
Man's best friend
Looking for sponsors of the contest.
If you are interested leave a comment please.
You have 3 days from publishing this post to submit your entry.
I will not search for entries!
Please leave the entire link (preferably peakd) to your post in the comments to be eligible for prizes.
If you do not write in English add an English translation.
Tell a friend!
Write with us every day using the Daily Freewrite Prompt!
Check @mariannewest and look for these graphics
#freewritehouse #pic1000 #contest #pictureprompt #creativewriting #innerblocks
Hello everyone! Here's my entry for this prompt--
The link to your entry is:
My entry (serving double duty, as you will see):
Totally forgot to drop my link here.. Hope I'm not too late😊
Another world
Loved reading your story. 👍
I'm glad you did. Thanks a lot.
Yes, I would like to sponsor this, but under certain conditions. For instance the writers must use a grammar checker
You are aware that even Grammarly makes mistakes and with a slow internet connection it doesn't work?
Besides, there's a difference between the different English languages.
You like to sponsor one entry or? If you like you can choose yours.
I constantly use Deepl translator.
But unfortunately, in my long writings, or even short ones, such as poems or sonnets, it has changed the meaning of the writing to English you know?
And English-speaking readers may not understand correctly what I write. Even with the grammar checker....
( By the way @freewritehouse, I want to help with 2 HBD as a prize, you will know how to give it to the winner )
It's true translators are not perfected it. I noticed the same. Sometimes it works if sentences are shorter. I noticed too the translator can't tell the difference between genders and phrases, expressions, modern language it messes up too. Still,a translation is helpful.
If you like to support a contest let me know which one.
Indeed, in fact, some translators are only translating to one or two people and the rest cannot tell the difference.
I would like it to be the one where a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm fine with that one.
This is my entry, please take time to have a look
Tell me where_poem_
We read each entry carefully just spread the upvotes over the days so we can reward each entry.
Great going And well done ✅👍
I'm happy to see my name up there. Thanks A lot. I was beginning to wonder where our #pic1000 disappeared to.
You are welcome. We'll try to post it later and hope this way good upvotes are possible. Happy writing.
Here is my entry:
thanks for the initiative, here is my entry, good day everyone!
Great going, I wish the best for the participants
That's my entry
I wasn't expecting to be part of the list, but thank you so much. I'm new here, so to be honest, I have no idea what's going on or what's gonna happen next. 😅
But still, I'm grateful my name is there.
All what's going on here is creative writing by using a picture prompt. Welcome to the freewriters. 🍀💖
My entry