in Freewriters3 years ago


Si yo fuera gustaría saber qué piensan de mí aquellos a quien amo, al no poder ser vista, sería fácil estar ahí para enterarme.

Caminaría libre por la calle sin rendirle cuentas a nadie, si, es algo que voy a hacer a su tiempo obviamente no siendo invisible, pero si fuera invisible lo haría en estos tiempos sin pensarlo dos veces.

Sería esa persona anónima que ayudaría a la gente que podría ser víctima de secuestro o cualquier tipo de abuso. ¿Se imaginan la cara de los tipos siendo golpeados por algo invisible? No me podrían hacer nada, la invisibilidad sería una gran ventaja.
Salvaría a perritos encadenados, se que ellos notarían mi presencia, pero los calmaría y les daría libertad y un nuevo hogar.

Sería la mejor amiga de aquellos niños con gran imaginación, y les contaría cuentos para dormir.

Haría tantas cosas siendo invisible, pero nunca cruzándome de la vereda de la dignidad, porque no me gustaría que me hicieran lo mismo.

En muchos casos…¡Qué lindo sería ser invisible al menos un tiempo!

Como consigna para todos los que lean este blog, me gustaría que me digan ¿qué harías tú si fueras invisible?

If I were invisible ... I would like to know what those I love think of me, not being able to be seen, it would be easy to be there to find out.

I would walk freely down the street without being accountable to anyone, yes, it is something that I am going to do in due time obviously not being invisible, but if I were invisible I would do it in these times without thinking twice.

It would be that anonymous person who would help people who could be victims of kidnapping or any type of abuse. Can you imagine the faces of the guys being hit by something invisible? They couldn't do anything to me, invisibility would be a great advantage.
I would save chained dogs, I know they would notice my presence, but I would calm them down and give them freedom and a new home.

She would be the best friend of those children with great imagination, and she would tell them bedtime stories.

I would do so many things being invisible, but never crossing the path of dignity, because I would not like them to do the same to me.

In many cases ... How nice it would be to be invisible at least for a while!

As a slogan for everyone who reads this blog, I would like you to tell me what would you do if you were invisible?








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