How do you control your negative emotions?

in Freewriters2 years ago



The days go by and we are charged with different emotions which make us have a very varied behavior, this is very true, however, we can channel our way of being, it is no discovery that we have days full of disappointments charged with negative emotions.

As the person responsible for the stability of my loved ones, I think it is my duty to be as serene as possible, since this helps a lot to the emotional stability of my family group, if we allow any discomfort or displeasure to unbalance us emotionally, then we will be at risk of developing inappropriate behavior, both internally and externally.

When someone ever asks you why they never see you upset then we will have an indication of having controlled our emotions regardless of their impact on us, we are human and maybe inside we feel like we want to collapse, but we move on because time heals everything and heals any kind of wound.

I control my negative emotions with an attitude contrary to them, if we begin to give space to these negative emotions we will undoubtedly end up in a big pit from which it will be difficult to get out someday, our determination to succeed is what makes the difference between hitting or missing the desired success, and even then the important thing if we fail is to continue to win.

Although around us there are constantly different injustices we must if we can contribute to reduce it, but not let these injustices cause us emotional damage, one of the ways how to deal with a negative emotion is to live it and let it flow and everything will pass with time and so we drain this emotion.

The best thing is to feel all our emotions whether they are negative or positive, the positive ones we usually enjoy them and the negative ones even though we do not like them we must face them, learn and move forward since life does not like to wait for anyone.


A book i read that thought me how to handle the negative emotions made mention of using deep breathing and interdiction to quell its raging effect within. But the first step to stifling the effect of the negative emotion is acceptance.

So true. You have to face both the problems and the negative emotions. You can't bottle them or avoid such people. Sooner or later, they will jump out and this may hurt loved ones. Thanks for sharing your opinion!