What Love Means ❤️❤️❤️

in Freewriters2 years ago

Chapter Twenty two

We didn't both had class the next day so after taking care of my house chores I dressed up and went to Toby's apartment knocking gently you opened at the third attempt.

"Armour how are you," he asked pulling me in by hand.
“Am good and you sugar,"I replied blushing lightly.
"Fine, you look pretty, beautiful,cute and whatever you could think of my love,"he said with his hands on my waist attempting to place a kiss on my lips already so I helped him complete his mission and he smiled cutely.
"So I think I should be the only one left to ready,"he said.
"Yes dear," I am said.
"Ok so let me do that," he said heading into his room.
"All right don't take too long I'm going to get bored," I said like a baby .
"I'm not going to apply makeup like that of you ladies," I replied laughing.
He finally came out looking so handsome as ever in his simple dress that I couldn't stop staring.
"I think it's time to go before you eat me up with your eyeballs armour,"he said pulling my nose.
"Yeah sure you definitely caught me staring,"i said blushing.
We arrived at this beautiful and mighty restaurant I didn't know existed in this part of Ile Ife, after getting in we both settled down at a table staring at each other lovely before the waiter finally came forward to take our orders and a delicious lunch was served.
When we were done with lunch we both took pictures and made videos and then he took me to the garden at the back side and the view was actually a Wow we both sat down for some minutes before he laid down his heads on my laps.
I want us to be like this forever and I wish my desires would come true," he said calmly face up staring into my eyes.
"Sure we would be love I promise," I replied feeling blessed and loved.
" Yeah I hope so," he said again.
"Why do you keep speaking that way you know I love you right ,"I replied.
"Sure Armour but then I know I still have rivals so I will just keep hoping," he replied blurting out his fears .
"You know I'm not in a relationship with any of them right and the only person that I want to love is you Tobi," I said.
" I love you armour thanks for choosing me ,"he replied smiling .
"Always love and about that Toby actually had wanted to tell you David wanted me and him to visit somewhere together this weekend ,"I said his expression had changed but he wasn't ready to show it.
He was silent for awhile before I finally answered "I trust you armour and I want to learn to always trust you so I'm fine with whatever you decide to do," he said calmly .
"Thanks my love ,"I said placing a kiss on his lips.


The days proceeded slowly and it was weekend already I was dressing up that afternoon when I heard a knock on my door and I went to answer it opening the entrance door David was standing patiently waiting and we both exchange pleasantries with me inviting him in.
" I'm actually almost done let me arrange some things and pick my hand bag," I said

"Alright baby I'll be waiting," he said smiling when I was finally done we both left.
He had just drive a few meters past his apartment when I said
"That reminds me David you didn't tell me where we were going ,"I asked.
"Babe I can't possibly kidnap ,"he replied .
"I didn't say that, I just wanted to know where ,"I asked sharply.
" it's fine just somewhere special trust me," he said again smiling .
"Okay if you say so anyway ,"I said.
We Proceeded out of Ile Ife and headed towards Lagos at a point I fell asleep during the journey and worst still there was too much of traffic and by the time I woke up it was already evening and the traffic was still thick that I was already getting tired of sitting .
David kept apologizing when he noticed I was getting uncomfortable and then finally when it was 5 p.m. we were able to move normal . About to get to agege when David's car got spoilt and his cell phone had died so he couldn't contact his mechanic.
It was getting late and David had been strong headed of using any other mechanic around the vicinity so he said it's better we lodged into an hotel so he could charge his cell phone and contact his mechanic tonight so we could move early the next morning.
At first I disagreed with the idea but then it seems heaven wasn't on my side and then it became cloudy and it was clear that a heavy rain was about to start so we had no choice but to lodge.
When we got to the hotel I requested for two different rooms but the receptionist there said there was just a room left that has not been booked the rain has started heavily so I had no choice than to sleep in the same room with David.
David had went upstairs first while I stayed at the reception for a while before I went to the room we booked I went straight to the bathroom with my clothes in my hand planning to change in there, I was about to get a hot water ready for my bath when I heard my cell phone ring I went out to pick up cuz I knew it was Toby who wanted to check on me and my guess was absolutely right.
After ending the call I noticed David was out of the room already maybe he went to get something downstairs I had no idea, I went inside the bathroom forgetting my nightie on the bed .
I had finished having the hot shower and was about to dress up when I realized I had forgotten my clothes ,gently I opened the door and peeped then I noticed David was still not back in so I got out and decided to dress up before he comes in.
How ever I didn't know when David got in but what I felt was his lips on my naked back because I had just a towel wrapped around my chest .
I shuddered at his touch, it had actually been a while the opposite sex and touched me since the escapade with Mitchell so my body had responded to his touch almost immediately his hands has come to rest of my chest kissing my bare skin turning me to face him we both continued the kissing and then we were both laying on the soft bed David on top of me still kissing deeply he was about to untie my towel when I suddenly held his hand .

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