What Love Means ❤️❤️❤️

in Freewriters2 years ago

Chapter Seventeen
I finally woke up and realised the sun has set when I turned to stare at the wall clock I saw that it was already 10:00 in the morning I stood up dizzily and went to have my bath. Only with a bathrobe I stepped into my bedroom and I could not see any sign that Rihanna was still there so I walk towards my dressing room and went to put on some clothes.
Descending the stairs slowly i proceeded towards the dinning room and went to eat my breakfast which was served already, I was almost done eating when my parents walked in from the garden.
Mom walked towards me and threw the question i didn't want to hear," Tobi what happened between you and Rihanna last night," she asked.
"Excuse me, but I don't understand you ma'am," I answered coldly.
"Just cut the crap Tobi and don't tell me or pretend to me that nothing happened,the girl looked so bad when she left this morning and secondly I realized you slept in the bedroom instead of your bedroom WHY?," She shouted angrily.
"Maybe because I didn't feel like sharing the bed with her," I threw back maintaining my anger.
"Really," she said with anger
"Mom please i don't have the time for this," i said standing up and walked towards the stairs when she raised her hands about to put a slap across my face but then my father held her.
"Morenikeji please just let him be,"he said calmly.
"I don't care if you slap me or not,all i know is that am having nothing to do with Rihanna or whosoever you could disown me for all i care," I said angrily and walked out on them.
"Tobi come back here,how dare you talk back to your mother and I," I heard father shouting and I could hear the sound of the sofa when mum slumped on it but I didn't look back just went straight to my bedroom.


It was quite late when I woke up and i was feeling very hungry, firstly went to take my bath and clean my teeth after i was done I went to the kitchen in search of noodles. Finally when I found them i took three packets and wanted to put some water inside the pot when my cellphone rang and I picked up.
"Hello"I said to whoever was on the other side.
"Babe what's up hope you know who is speaking,"the guy said and instantly i could recall that voice.
"DAVID," I said surprisingly, although I wasn't suppose to be cause he promised to call.
"Yeah it's me can you come out am at your doorstep," he said and the packets of noodles dropped from my hands my heartbeat has increased. What was he doing at my door? I was asking myself the stupid question when his voice suddenly jolted me back.
"Miriam are you there,"he asked
"Yeah sure am coming,"I said hanging up and walked out of the kitchen towards the entrance door.
Truthfully, when I opened the door David was standing with a smile on his lips looking cute as ever that he caught me staring when he suddenly asked if he could come in.
"Yeah sure you can,"I said ushering him in.
"Thank you what about your parents and siblings,"he asked politely.
"Uhmmm.............. ohh they all went out i just decided not to tag along,"I replied.
He settled on the settee while I went to get him a drink he thanked me and I just sat opposite him staring expecting him to say something and why he decided to visit and just in between my thoughts I heard his voice.
"Miriam are you in a relationship," the question caught me off guard.
"Pardon, and how is that your business,"I managed to answer coldly and then he came to sit beside me and said said the last word i wasn't expecting to hear.
"Miriam am asking because I still love you and it's part of the reason am here,i was so happy after that day i saw you cause have always prayed for that moment and now I don't want to ever regret again that's why I want you to be my woman,"he said lastly and my mouth went agape in surprise.

  Finally resuming for the fourth and last year in school I walked towards class feeling relieved, finally back to school away from everybody's trouble.Lecture was about to start when I walked in and then I sighted Miriam looking pretty than the last time I saw her before the vacation.
    I waved gently at her as I walked past her seat and she did the same settling on my own seat I could only stay at a back and finally when the lecture started I diverted my gaze in other to listen very well.
 After the lecture I walked out of the class and then I could already sight Michelle walking towards me he had called earlier and said we should hang out together , he was about to get close when Tobi tapped me gently.
"Hi how was your vacation can we go to the library together,"he said.
"Ohh Tobi what's up am Good but I'm so sorry I was going out with Michelle so we can surely go tomorrow,"I said and then Michelle was already beside me.
       "Oh ok it's fine see you later then," he said walking slowly away feeling disappointed and then Michelle and I proceeded to was the school gate.

I arrived home a bit late in the evening and I was changing my clothes when my cellphone rang from inside my handbag I picked up the bag and brought out the phone and I could sight" David"boldly written on the screen I picked up.
"Hey love what's up how you doing," he said sounding excited or so.
"Am good and you,"I replied.
"Am good too i just miss you and just wanted to hear your sweet voice Princess,"
"Ohh thanks for calling anyway,"I said
"Yeah so hope all is going well at school hope the boys are not disturbing my baby,"he said irritating me.
"Nope not at all I'm sorry David I have to go now I will chat you up later I was doing something in the kitchen before you called," I lied.
"Ohh okay I will be waiting for you princess bye lots of love," he said finally hanging up to my relief I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to make something for dinner.

I laid on my bed staring at the space and the moon thinking about Miriam it's been about two weeks we resumed but then we both had done little together just going to the library twice and her coming to my apartment the last weekend once but then the rest of the week's she had been spending with Mitchell and with me and are just having little conversations after class.

 This days i had realized my heart was always beating fast whenever I was around her and I found myself talking more about her among my few male friends and that's very afternoon they were playing pranks with me that I have finally fallen in love with Miriam, but then after their words that afternoon I have found myself asking the same question in my mind.
" Was I really in love with Miriam? Although I had this very feeling from the beginning and it has brought the attraction and these days I had found myself losing concentration in class just to stare at her in class during lectures and then missing her around afterwards.
   I could sense that I was already finding the Michelle guy annoying whenever I see them together.
     "Was this really love or just an infatuation,"? But then I wanted to find out if my heart has really started working in the right way.

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