People were seen hasting up their paces, some were dashing through the streets while others took to their heels; Helter skelter man and animals were looking for a place of succor and warmth.
In a matter of seconds, the heavy downpour watered the land as no one was found outside, the cold became more intense as the wind shook the trees and roofs of buildings. In a short while, streams of water were flowing through the streets into various canals.
It rained for about an hour.
I was already in my darkly lit room enjoying enjoy the rain storm and the cold as the wind blew.
Covered up in my duvet, I listened to some blues through my audio player while I sipped my cup of hot tea I had already prepared.
"Phew! Only if Clara was here with me. I said in my thought.
I jumped out of bed few minutes later and went straight to the window, opened the window and was hit by the cold gentle breeze. "Wow, what an awesome feeling!"
The rain had reduced; I could hear it drizzling outside.
I dashed back to reach for my phone...
"Hello Clara, can I come pick you up?...
Oooouh, this is nice😁. Go pick her up dude 😎.