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RE: Un escrito en 20 palabras - semana del 28 de Junio de 2020

in Freewriters5 years ago

Pequeños colibríes, ¿por qué pican?

¿Qué le pasó a tu voz?

¿Por qué no puedes cantar?

Oh sí, tu melodía en la vida es la miel que traes.

Small hummingbirds why do sting?

What happened to your voice?

Why can't you sing?

Oh yes your melody in life is the honey you bring.

@olawalium and @beckie96830


Can you translate your peom in English for me pls?
Don't understand French

I can see you translated it right. I still don't understand the poem 😔😔


Don't be sad I'll explain it.

I's a story about America.

The teacher is Donald Trump.

The classroom comprises of neighborhoods like in reality.

So I tried to pain a picture of why America experiences racism.

Are you explaining based on personal experience or something

I think I have to explain myself.

I'm oddly interested in America.

Wen you say oddly, it means not interested right??!

No, I just mean I haven't seen any Nigerian with a similar interest.

Infact, I'm sometimes on CNN's Twitter page arguing with white supremacist. That's what I mean by odd.

Ohh. You even have time for that. Arguing I mean. Personally I don't think I can argue unnecessarily. I only pray that all these will stop one day

Prayers can take me far where arguments can't

I mean have you experienced racism or you're motivated to write based on what you're seeing on the internet

Yes. That exactly

Awwn. Your poem is rich. I liked it but I didn't understand until you explained


Your words are really nice.

I thanks for stopping by, you're the kind of person who makes hive worth looking forward to.

It's a two way thing. If you didn't respond would I have been able to interact with you😁😁


Don't be sad I'll explain it.

I's a story about America.

The teacher is Donald Trump.

The classroom comprises of neighborhoods like in reality.

So I tried to pain a picture of why America experiences racism.

Nice Poem. I love it.

Thank you❤️❤️