The Graduation party: A picture is worth a thousand words

in Freewriters2 months ago

Ben's smile was unending. He held his crisp blue graduation gown which felt both heavy and exhilarating on his shoulders. 4 years felt like 7 days now that it was over. He thought of his friends, the fun and laughter they shared. He had prayed for this day, but he wished he wasn't going to leave without them who made his stay memorable. He adjusted his tassel, a nervous energy buzzing inside him.

Mrs Gimba stood on the podium to address the final year student. Even though she was happy they were graduating, she knew how tough life was after graduation, especially for young Ben who lived in a remote village.
"What's your plan after graduation?" She asked young Ben when she had stepped down from the podium.
"Uhm--uhm" Ben hum trying to find an answer.
"You mean you've not thought about this?" She asked bewildered. She expected every student to have thought this through before their graduations. She lowered her head and shook it in disappointment.


"Before you leave, sit for a few days and think about this," she suggested.
Ben is a graduate of Mass Communication, he knew he wouldn't have an opportunity to practice his profession in his hometown, the only way to have a job in his field was to travel down to the city, this he related to Mrs. Gimba. Ben was one of her favorite students, he came top in her course and she had noticed how good he was in broadcasting and media jobs. She couldn't let his rare talent go extinct in his hometown, so she offered to assist him.

That night as he hung his graduation gown carefully in his closet, he felt a sense of gratitude for his teachers, especially Mrs. Gimba who had guided him, his friends and family who had supported and believed in him. He knew the journey ahead was tough, but he was ready to face it, to write his own story.


Beautiful story

Thank You

Strange that during those years of studying, not one teacher asked what the students wanted and came with advises

Hahahaha. Most teachers forget that important part