To live freely

in Freewriters2 months ago

song, but today I'm starting to feel like a free man.Maybe someone will wonder why in the #FreeWriters community I'm writing today, and why I'm leaving a link to a long-sung

It's true, with its decentralization, Web3 has led to the fact that the voice of the oppressed and trapped in the media darkness can be heard, but even though no one here has ever defended me about what I'm going to write, today I just want to tell you that the dawn seems to be breaking even over the darkness of my Serbia .

The voice of the man of the people will be heard, if not on television with national frequencies, in the air throughout the country.
And thunderously...
Private televisions are flooded, but also social networks, which the government cannot fully control. Maybe it would be the final confirmation of the media darkness, if they shut down Instagram, alinkedin or Viber, but I believe they don't have the courage to do that...

On 1/11, a tragedy happened in Novi Sad, from which the government tried to wash its hands, and then the students woke up.
I had such an awakening in 1996, when I spent nights and days in blockades on the streets, changing the then regime.
Then the regime fell, but those small, disgusting politicians (let's not call them people) remained, who survived that shift and in the decades after came to power even stronger and more unscrupulous.

The machinations and corruption they committed went so far that November 1st came, when people died.

Apolitical people were silent until that moment, young people and students were not interested in politics, but that tragedy woke up many.

A red fist with outstretched fingers is the symbol of Serbia in these protests, and the government, in its ignorance and stupidity (because they are really stupid and don't know), made a symbol of a red fist with the middle finger.
With a finger directed at all normal citizens and all those students.
And which stings the eye, the heart, the brain!

And that was the trigger, so that even those who have never expressed their political position say "This went beyond all measure".

And that's why today, January 24, there is a general strike in Serbia.
Students have been on strike for weeks, they were joined by younger students, teachers and professors, lawyers, and today they are on the streets
and ordinary people who left their workplaces and are on the streets offering their support and expressing their dissatisfaction.

Today, almost everything needs to stop, so that the government and a dictatorial president at the head of that same government realize that it is time to sign off, when they can no longer provide the people with the conditions: that the institutions do their job, that the constitution is respected, that show public procurement documents, tenders and bills and arrest all those responsible for the unprofessional, negligent and illegal performance of their duties, for which this nation pays them.

I'm still in the office today. I came to the company to do some tasks instead of my colleagues, who today wanted to support the protests with their personal presence, and I told them: "As a veteran in your ranks, I am waiting behind the front lines... Go to the protests, and if if there is a need, we older people, who 30 years ago were doing what you are doing today, will also come out."

There are no employees at these tables today, because the streets are full of them!

I'm glad that the office is empty and that there are a minimum of us, just as long as the systems would work, and everyone else walked around as a sign of support and protest, like free people of the world.


The moment when those people came in charge, I decided that I was leaving...
I hope they will leave next... It's time for a complete purge... We didn't do that in 96, you have to do it now... for the sake of the young people...