It's hard because sometimes people don't really appreciate fiction on here unless you're in a community. I wrote a 8-part series on here that was a little dark..but I loved it.
And I don't think many read it hehehe
It's just one of those things. I also enjoy writing fiction because it's my passion. Sometimes I'll just write under my anonymous alt-account just to stay hidden and write without any expectations.
Either's fun. I write best when I have the time to fully immerse myself hehehe.
And as for those heroes...I agree.
I honestly don't know how they do it. But I'm sure glad we have them.
Both the warriors on the battlefield and the warriors at home.
I just write for me I guess, and if someone reads it and likes it enough to comment then that's great; if not then the enjoyment has come from writing in the first place so it's a win-win.