So, this is where we leave this story, at what looks like a grand beginning ... but then again, it was satisfying to see this brutal man reduced to the terror he had put others in ... more than sufficient! Well done!
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I'm so glad you liked it. I consider you one of the best in the community so it really means a lot. I suppose this could lead to something more. I'll get to work on a part 2 - and I'll try to plan it out so it's not as clunky/rushed.
Thanks again.
The clunkiness actually worked ... the fear and disjointedness of the men first, and then their leader as the fear just moves around the room ... it has the makings of a fantasy novel's first chapter...
Thank you for the kind compliments ... I really appreciate that ... if anything, I have done enough reading and writing to know quality when I see it, and I see quality in this writing!