A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words (Or, Exactly Fifty): The Unending Flamingo Summer

Photo by @wakeupkitty, used for the express purpose of responding to this Freewriters Initiative

What I see: A house that stands out in the more subtle earth-tones of the other buildings, and also the ominous-looking storm clouds above the neighborhood

What I feel: Assuming this is a European neighborhood with a ton of history, there has to be a real reason for the owner of that home to have chosen such a contrasting palette ... love of something or someone...

She loved flamingos, and that summer day they walked at the zoo from neighbors to lovers.
But winter, and a mysterious illness, had come in like a storm upon her.
He painted his home in unending flamingo summer, and they, looking through the window forward, rode out the storm together.



I feel like maybe even more words are also in the picture

You can write as many as you like ... I just choose fifty as a challenge ...

An entry filled with love. Riding out the storm together is getting rare.

Thank you for your entry.

It is indeed getting rare ... as rare as a flamingo summer, on a winter's day ... that was a great photo, indeed, and thanks for sharing!

Oh wow. The picture is a vivid one. And it is like poetry the way you weave it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for reading!

This is short and precise. It includes all the necessary elements and I love it.

Thank you so much!

You are welcome