Someone Left A Grocery Cart In Front Of My House 9.14.2024

in Freewriters5 days ago


Well this was about a few days ago. I walked out at night and notice this cart in front of my house. Great, I thought. Now there is something I have to do.

Well, I have to bring it back as I even know what store this cart belongs to. It belongs to the Dollar General a store that is walking distance from my house.

Dollar General, I should have bought the stock when I found that Warren Buffet bought a lot of shares of them sometime back for about $35 a share, and now as I write I see that it is $84.75 per share as I write.

Well, I guess I could have made some money on the deal, but right now I am concentrating mostly on Bitcoin. Michael Saylor says he thinks Bitcoin can be 13 million dollars per coin in about 21 years from now.

Well, 21 years from now I will be about 86 years old, God willing I will still be around at that time.

It would be nice to have one Bitcoin at the time, but I am thinking of having something like .2 of a Bitcoin. Now if one had .2 of a Bitcoin, and if after 21 years the Bitcoin is 13 million dollars a coin, than .2 of a Bitcoin would be worth 2.6 million dollars. Well, that would be generational wealth that can be left to ones kids.

So we have 21 years to try to accumulate just .2 of Bitcoin.

But back to Dollar General, the next day I loaded the cart into my 94 Mazda B3000 bed and tied it down with rope. And I brought it to the Dollar General store near me.


There was a worker guy that was collecting carts. When I got out of my truck, he said, Thanks for bringing it back. I told him that someone left this cart in front of my house, and I thought I better bring it back.

So we talked of how much a cart might cost and I said, Don't these things cost about $150 each? The guy didn't know. I told the guy that he had muscles and ask if he can get the cart down out of my truck, after I untied it of course.

So I thanked him for getting the cart out of my truck and he thanked me for bringing the cart back.

Of course we must bring back a cart if we can that is. For it is written, Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother. Deuteronomy 22:1.

Let's end with scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. Matthew 25:20.

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Thank you, David.
Images are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.