Mi poema El atardecer en mi corazón

in Freewriterslast year (edited)

En mis días de soledad pienso en lo gratificante
Que fue tenerte cerca de mí
Tu piel era mía y yo era tuyo
Eras parte esencial de mí

Cuando tu sonreías yo te apreciaba muy feliz
Mi solitario corazon se llenaba de alegría y regocijo
Y me hacías sentir como la persona más afortunada del universo
Porque tenía un verdadero tesoro a mi lado

Los primeros días en que te conocí
No pensé que algo tan grande crecería en mi
Simplemente pensé que amigos seríamos
Y una historia bonita podíamos construir.

Hasta que nuestras miradas conectaron
Pero de una forma muy especial
Comenze a verte diferente
Y mi alma necesitaba junto a ti estar.

Quise tenerte siempre a mi lado
No pensé que la distancia iba a impedir
Que nuestros corazones volvieran a latir juntos
Para amarnos con total inmensidad.

No imaginaba la vida sin ti
Creía que en mis sombrías oscuridades
Siempre estarías tu para alumbrarme
Porque solo tu sabes cómo hacerme vibrar de emoción.

Hoy mi corazón llora lágrimas de amor
Porque en el fondo fuiste tú a quien más quise
Siempre tendré tus caricias y tu cariño
Acompañándome en mis bellos atardeceres.

Si alguna vez sientes que me necesitas
Piensa que yo te necesito más a ti
Que estoy incompleto en tu ausencia
Y junto a ti encontraré mi lugar.

Mientras sigo buscando la forma de lidiar
Con la ausencia de tu amor
Anhelando que algún día
Volverás a mis brazos otra vez.

Quisiera cambiar lo que no puedo
Quisiera ir a dónde no debo
Solo por verte de nuevo
Y decirte mi amor aún te quiero.

Solo le pido al Cielo todas mis tardes
Que mis súplicas escuche
Porque de amor nadie se muere
Pero sin ti amorcito no sale el sol.

On my lonely days I think
how gratifying it was to have you near me.

It was to have you near me

Your skin was mine and I was yours

You were an essential part of me
When you smiled I cherished you so happily

My lonely heart was filled with joy and gladness

And you made me feel like the luckiest person in the universe

Because I had a true treasure by my side
The first days I met you

I didn't think that something so big would grow in me

I just thought that we would be friends

And a beautiful story we could build.
Until our eyes connected

But in a very special way

I began to see you differently

And my soul needed to be with you.
I wanted to have you always by my side

I didn't think that distance would prevent

That our hearts would beat together again

To love each other with total immensity.
I couldn't imagine life without you

I believed that in my darkest darkness

You would always be there to light me up

Because only you know how to make me vibrate with emotion.
Today my heart cries tears of love

Because deep down it was you whom I loved the most

I will always have your caresses and your affection

Accompanying me in my beautiful sunsets.
If ever you feel you need me

Think that I need you more

That I am incomplete in your absence

And with you I will find my place.

While I'm still looking for a way to cope

With the absence of your love

Longing that someday
On my lonely days I think how gratifying it was to have you near me.

It was to have you near me

Your skin was mine and I was yours

You were an essential part of me
When you smiled I cherished you so happily

My lonely heart was filled with joy and gladness

And you made me feel like the luckiest person in the universe

Because I had a true treasure by my side
The first days I met you

I didn't think that something so big would grow in me

I just thought that we would be friends

And a beautiful story we could build.
Until our eyes connected

But in a very special way

I began to see you differently

And my soul needed to be with you.
I wanted to have you always by my side

I didn't think that distance would prevent

That our hearts would beat together again

To love each other with total immensity.
I couldn't imagine life without you

I believed that in my darkest darkness

You would always be there to light me up

Because only you know how to make me vibrate with emotion.
Today my heart cries tears of love

Because deep down it was you whom I loved the most

I will always have your caresses and your affection

Accompanying me in my beautiful sunsets.
If ever you feel you need me

Think that I need you more

That I am incomplete in your absence

And with you I will find my place.

While I'm still looking for a way to cope

With the absence of your love

Longing that someday

You Will return to my arms again.

I'd like to change what I can
I'd like to go where I shouldn't
Just yo see You again
And tell You I still love You.

I only ask heaven all my afternoon
That he hears my pleas
Because nobody dies of love
Buy without you,My love,the sun never rises.

The pictures were taken from my phone on the balcony of my house.

The site who help me to traslate is https://www.deepl.com







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