Grandma's house



If I could make a request now, any request of all the requests in the world, I would ask to relive those magical moments at grandma's house.

Those days of endless laughter, delicious aromas and secrets to be discovered.

At grandma's house, time stood still and every moment was an adventure.

From the simple act of enjoying homemade pasta and bread that seemed to have a unique and special taste, to the innocent afternoons that seemed to last an eternity, full of jokes and shared fantasies.

Exploring grandma's cupboards was like entering a mysterious world, where old clothes and tools were hidden and aroused our curiosity.

The closed boxes became secret treasure chests, waiting to be discovered and their stories unveiled.

The toys, although sometimes messy and still in the process of invention, transported us to imaginary worlds where anything was possible.

At grandma's house, creativity flowed without limits and the hours were lost between games and laughter.

But beyond all that, grandma's house was a place where family ties were strengthened.

We found the remains of our parents' childhood and, at the same time, we began our own lives.

There, in that space full of love and affection, everything was allowed, a haven of safety and happiness.

Now, that wonderful time lives only in my memories, but if I could make a request, I wish I could relive those moments one more time.

To feel grandma's warmth again, to hear her contagious laughter and to immerse myself in the magic of that special place.

Grandma's house, a treasure in itself, keeping in its walls the essence of happiness and innocence.

Although she is no longer physically present, her spirit lives on in each of us, reminding us that love and shared moments are the true treasures of life.


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