
in Freewriters8 months ago (edited)

The vast, diverse world has been continuously evolving since its inception, both externally and internally. Changes occur not just in society, religion, politics, economy, and culture, but even in history and traditions, transforming through individual will and circumstances. While personal changes can be guided by one's own thoughts, can national or global matters be left to personal whims?

For instance, if someone wants to change their own name in society, it's possible, but changing the name of their progenitor is difficult because it has already become collective. Transforming an integral self into smaller parts is foolish. The current era is such that there is no way to dismiss the small as insignificant. There was a time when the small was disregarded and remained compressed. However, with the passage of time, the right to dismiss the small as insignificant has diminished.


A certain class of people, who are powerful and strong-willed, are always alert and seek to assert themselves in unique ways through the ages. Their aim is to establish their influence in various forms over time. These individuals are outward-looking, driven by a mindset of dedicating themselves to the grand cause of generosity. An unbroken sense of ego continuously envelops them in the sanctum of their consciousness. Maintaining this uninterrupted cycle of generational tradition is their religion and shield.

Concepts such as light-dark, truth-falsehood, right-wrong, justice-unjust, and good-bad are irrelevant to this class. Instead, their guiding principle is the collective inspiration of their lineage. If anyone shows them a different perspective on this ingrained sense, they are marked as an opposing force and are subjected to their wrath.

Change in customs, appearance, thoughts, and traditions is inevitable and desirable with the passage of time. In each era, transformations will occur—this is natural. However, the loss of one’s intrinsic identity is unexpected, undesirable, and unwelcome. It is essential to keep pace with the times while listening to the rhythm of time; there is no obstacle to transcending time, and indeed, there is pride in achieving such transcendence.

In the progression of societal systems, those who navigate its stages smoothly are those who consider both past and future. On the other hand, people with a narrow-minded, self-conceited, and unreflective attitude make the smooth path of progress thorny. Their sole obsession is that what they understand is correct and supreme; there can be no alternative. A life immersed in false pride and narrow thinking might continue, but it is not truly a human life. A life that fails to ignite a beacon of light and spread illumination is insignificant in the grand journey of time. While everyone might have the chance to live briefly, only a few have the right to exist as an eternal essence.

Ideas that were once centralized have now become multifaceted; once singular topics are now universal; the individual is now communal. The personnel and familial have become social. Thus, the transformation and enhancement of form have become global. If science were driven solely by the speed of emotion, it would not have achieved its universal form. When a living entity at a tiny corner of the Earth stirs, it can instantly transform into a global phenomenon. Science is accelerated by the speed of emotion, creating a world that is unique and extraordinary. Navigating this world is easy and natural; a genuine desire is all that is needed to enter this vast realm.

It is essential to develop a mindset that engages in the play of light and darkness with a focus on light while immersed in confusion. One must also have the mentality to overcome the fear of being dazzled by the light using the darkness as a resource. Instead of allowing life to be unconsciously driven by the interplay of light and shadow, one should keep the path open for nurturing the intention to spread the light.

If anyone harbors the thought of becoming a great sage while sitting in a well, there is no alternative but to be detached from the vast world’s great learning. Remaining absorbed in a sense of isolation while tending to the body and mind will lead to solitude. Failing to penetrate the rhythm of time into the inner self makes it impossible to spread one’s wings and soar like a free bird in the transformed essence.

Thanks for your time.



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