No Amount of Time is Too Long

in Freewriters3 years ago

How Long Does it Take to Heal?

I was going through some of my old pieces of writing when I stumbled on a story I wrote over a year ago. I had written it a few days before my mum passed. I had watched her last breath left her and I had nothing left to feel. The story was about a boy who watched his twin fell from the roof and died. For months, he was numb. It took him a long time to start paying attention to anything ever again.


Perhaps that was the universe indirectly telling me to get ready. Because till today, I still don't understand how I could have written that and my mum died on me the next few days. Weird and scary. Premonition is a strange thing. This brings me back to my question.

How long does it take to heal?

I get very worried when I see people who have lost a loved one rush back to their normal activities almost immediately like nothing happened, especially if the person is close to them. Perhaps it's their way of dealing with it but grief always comes back. And when it does, you'd desperately wish you had paid attention to it earlier. It breaks you. I know because I've been there.

People rush through a lot of things mostly because of what others would say. Whether or not we want to admit it, we look and worry about the feelings of the society more than we worry about our well being. What will people say? What about those that look up to me? How will I explain to them?

But to what end, really?

Believe me when I tell you that none of them would be there when your body goes into a shock and breaks down. That is actually one of the few times you realise the number of people that cares for you enough. You'll be doing yourself a great disfavour by choosing them over yourself when you haven't healed.

This is me telling you today to take all the time you need. No amount of time is too long. HEAL. That's the only way you can move forward. That's also the only way you can look after people you care about.

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I think this applies to so many things in life too...
not just with death - but any loss. illness. life-changing events. trauma.

so often we rush to get back on track, when our mind is telling us slow down and breathe.

I've learned (especially in the last 5 years) how very important it is to breathe.
deep, long, calming, soul-resetting breaths.

I've learned to enjoy breathing so much. Isn't that a funny thing?

You're telling me. LOL

Taking time to breathe calms everything. I wouldn't trade it. It's amazing how we believe that we can't move on or recover at the heat of the moment while all we actually need is time, and of course, taking that breath.

Life is no one's friends. No one has had it easy, not even when we believe that have.

Good point. Sometimes we rush going through events in the hope of overcoming quickly but completely disregard the need to acknowledge feelings, synthesize lessons and just simply think.

Breathing is important. I always see it as a rhythm of life. It takes a few deep breaths, even in the midst of chaos, to acknowledge our feelings and move onward.

Also, I agree that we can take all we need to HEAL and worry less about society. That is, no one really cares even if one posts on social media that they are social detoxing.

Completely agree. Everything we need to heal is within us. We just have to give it time.

Thanks for stopping by.