Day 1618: 5 Minute Freewrite entry - Prompt: no coffee

in Freewriters3 years ago

Photo by Tina Guina on Unsplash

Hello Freewriters! I'm kind of getting addicted to this dynamic. It's just so much fun to put on the clock and write non-stop. It's a great exercise for people like me who are prone to thinking way too much while we are writing. So far, I have liked the little stories that have taken shape on this typing mayhem. Thank you Freewriter's community for keeping this on and thank you @mariannewest for posting a prompt each day.

For now, I present you with "No Coffee".

Her eyes started to feel heavy. This was the third night in a row she had to stay awake, keeping guard of the princess who was asleep on the other side of the door.

She remembered times that were a bit easier. Before the big Coffee Crisis, when humanity discovered the tough way that agrochemicals finally had taken their toll on coffee plantations and made it poisonous to human beings. Some substitutes had been made through time, but they never really got to equate the flavor of a good and warm cup of coffee.

The flavor...she could almost taste it. Whenever she had to take a three-night shift, coffee had been her greatest ally. She would grab a huge mug of warm and sweet coffee and spent the night reading a good book while making sure there was no one around.

Delicious memories flooded her head. The strong bitterness of black coffee and how good it felt as it went down her throat, the sweetness of a good caramel macchiato on her free days, the soft almondy notes that her mother's coffee would make her every day once she arrived from work...

And so her mind drifted into thoughts, longing so much for the hot beverage, she could almost smell it...It was somewhat comforting.

The sun woke her up the next morning. Startled, she realized all of her coffee delusions had led her to a deep sleep state.

A rush of panic overcame her as she entered the princess's room. No one was there.

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I hope that never happens to us with coffee, I liked the mini story.

I cannot funtion without morning coffee. Last week I replaced it for tea for a couple days cause my stomach wasn't feeling well and spent the rest of the day zombie.