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RE: What's In Your Carpets? a freewrite

in Freewriters2 months ago

Irish Spring - a bar of this soap kills fleas instantly! Put to the test on a cat who had fleas crawling all over him.

Dusted my carpets with silicon or diatomateous earth many times, then vacuumed obsessively. This ruins your vacuum, for any of you who are tempted to try it.

Funny, we've been advised to sprinkle baking soda on our mattresses and rugs, then vacuum it up - only to read now that this ruins our vacuums.

How much bad advice do we get in a lifetime?

Poison the pets to kill the fleas - I hear you!!!
Like all these vaccines and anti-bacterial hand soaps. And Lysol.

Lysol kills immune systems. Probably leads to cancer, too.

Oh the bane of fleas!
The price we pay for having furry companions in our homes!


I don't think I could possibly give a cat a bath! Do you have any tips on just how to accomplish that? I have sprayed them with Wondercide, but honestly, that stuff has such a strong smell I cannot stand it. It's essential oils and stuff, supposedly good for cats as well as dogs.

I have no idea how I managed to bathe poor Tommy the ginger tom.
I know only that he was so decrepit, so near to death, he LET ME douse him in warm water and suds him with Irish Spring. The fleas dropped dead on contact.
The vet suggested sedatives when bathing a cat. Ha ha ha. How do you get the cat to swallow the sedatives!!!
GOOD LUCK with your flea situation!
Maybe with sturdy gloves and a Haz Mat suit, you could pull off the Irish Spring bath....

Maybe with sturdy gloves and a Haz Mat suit

I'd need a mithril body suit.

I found an herbal spray that works on my dog and is supposed to be OK for cats, Wondercide (good stuff! lots of products!) and I spray them when I put down their food and they are still. They do not care for it!

I took one of them to the vet, which I do not do unless absolutely necessary, and got Revolution for him, which hopefully will give me enough of a break in active infestation (which is very mild now, but still...) that I can clean the rest of the problem up. There's a homeopathic remedy that is supposed to make their little bodies unsuitable for fleas, which I will definitely give a go once I have been 100% sure the problem is gone here. I thought so a month ago, let up my guard some, and have been finding flea dirt. No one is scratching though. Hopefully I am on top of it enough this time.