Futuremind! Oh my, I've been away a long, long time!
We need to keep sinners sinning and sick people sick, and we can't have the flat tax or accountants would be out of a job....
Love this:
Love this line: "We cure cancer all the time! Just ask Heather out there in the waiting room. She's the one all shriveled up, in the wheelchair, with an oxygen tank and IV tubes."
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I saw you sent me this message on September 11th, what a date lol..
I'm so sorry it took a long time to respond. I actually ended up in the hospital myself, for some psychological issues I was going through, right around the time you messaged me.Hi @carolkean!
Indeed, it's very profitable to maintain the illusion that big pharma wants to help...
When I was being discharged from the looney bin, they told me something along the lines of "We know you probably won't take these pills, but it makes the discharge process easier, so do you agree?"
Yes! Gimme those pills! 😂
I hope you have been doing well 🤗
Yes, take the pills - (pretend to swallow them?) and run!
I'm sorry for all your trials and tribulations.
Mine continue to escalate but I've firmly resolved to ==Not Even Speak of It==
I'm not gonna be that drama queen with all the tragedy.
The sun is shining today.
Life is good.
May your days be sunny and grand!
I somehow managed my way out of that without having to take any pills, they just gave me a script and sent me on my way.
Really sorry to hear things haven't been good for you.
I can relate to that sentiment totally, doesn't seem to do any good either way expressing our issues. Sometimes it helps a little but not so much in the physical world, where the majority of our problems manifest, or maybe it's in our head. I don't know.
I tried to have a girlfriend and ended up in a psych ward lol.
I could point the finger, but I'm sure there's a few pointing back at me.
It's nice to see you again.I hope things get better for you @carolkean,
Oops, 8 days later, I see this. #Thankyou for your kind thoughts. And may all be well with you!