(Could be you did post but I don't check my newsfeed often enough.)
We can unite - we've already done that! - and we can get the downvoter to move on. How much damage can one voter do? How much power does downvoting help him imagine he has? Maybe the guy needs a rescue dog to distract him from his negativity. (I'm afraid to post this, lest I'm throwing gas on the fire.)This reply - and yours, @wandrnrose7 - are worthy of being entire posts.
Go @d00k13! Dude!
I can't say enough good things about this community, the supportive upvotes (even when we don't have two cents to offer), the contests, and, dare I say it, the SBI... not to mention the charitable causes.As for me, I have found inspiration and camaraderie at #freewritehouse and friends I will treasure for life, whether or not we ever meet face to face. When I look back at the freewrites I've written since joining here, I'm amazed at the quantity and variety of stories that emerged from a simple prompt. Also, I love seeing how other writers respond to the prompt. No two are ever the same. Each is unique and so many of them have drawn out personal, heartfelt tales (and, in a related vein, the #31sentencecontest drew a story from @deirdyweirdy that is not to be missed!).
There are others who malign freewriting but at least they're not downvoting - just failing to see how the freewrites help build stronger writers. The main complaint seems to be publishing freewrites in their raw, unedited form. So many of these have been polished and edited - and look where @kaelci is going with her Jenny and Joey series. It's fun. It's productive. We even have an anthology published (on amazon) with stories that began here as freewrites - @felt.buzz spearheaded that (correct me if I'm wrong I should never rely on my memory!).
Thank you @carolkean! You are an amazing encourager and your comments have often lifted my spirits! You have truly touched the heartbeat of the @Freewritehouse and our unique blessing of daily prompt delivery by the amazing volunteers. That idea of @mariannewest goes far in encouraging emerging writers!
Awww thank *you - you're definitely beyond the "emerging" stage as a writer. Your prose style and your heartfelt stories are a testament to the talent at freewritehouse. You're also one with personal stories that are heartwrenching. I appreciate the courage of people who've survived child abuse or a manipulative, controlling spouse (@mariannewest, @wakeupkitty, @deirdyweiry to name just a few). It does my heart good to come across the occasional happy childhood like @wonderwop's - the sadness there is losing a wonderful parent to old age. And yes, the prompt delivery team is an amazing group of volunteers. I know how time consuming that once-a-week job can be!
Big hugs 🤗. You did it again. I sit here suffering the first day of this awful flu and you affirm my writing like a pill of sunshine, sister.
Ohhh not the flu!! May you be better soon! And writing/reading. Alas, when bedridden with the flu, even reading is a challenge. Much less writing.
I wonder if you got the flu shot - I've done so every year since 1988, and only once, last March, did I get the flu. Last week I got the new shingles vaccination. I am aware of the controversies, but I continue to get needled, figuring it's better than getting the thing itself, whatever that may be. Be well! Sending you sunbeams :)🤗
This is by far one of my favourite parts of the community... arguments of positivity and well being 🤣🤣🤣
😘 when I’m feeling low I so get a kick outa reading you two’s comments 😅 though in those moments I often don’t respond
You had ample cause, recently, getting rehomed, and all, for feeling low - but I hope all is well now.
Who has time to respond to everything, especially when we might be wasting dust votes of cluttering the blockchain with emojis? You have a life! Thanks for stopping by with a comment this time. Not expected, just fyi! No guilt!!
All is doing as well as can be 👍