If only it were funny.
My husband just commented yesterday; "have you noticed how white the sun is? And that you can actually look at it? Remember how bright it was in colour and brilliance when we were kids?" That was, of course, said glancing at the white ball amid the crisscross lines in the sky. Even the sky doesn't seem blue but a sickly colour. For people who never get sick we seem to be constantly raiding the garden for herbs to cure a gastro or bronchial or allergic illness that resembles something in a sci-fi movie. My natural cures used to work! Even they seem to be lethargic and compromised by what most say is our vivid imagination and seriously lacking senses.
Yes, so glad to know I am not alone in my observations, I men it is really obvious to me, but to others wow, it's crazy. I am finding mushrooms are helping me, especially Reishi and also black seed oil. Thank you @buckaroobaby xxxxx
Black seed oil is fabulous