in Freewriters4 years ago
Authored by @Britt


A good text. What is a good text? Yesterday someone asked me : “ what can I blog and write about for votes? “ well if we knew that recipe we all would be whales now. Not that much fun, searching for your own niche, the way you write and the topics is so much more fun. I do know that its not the easiest and fastes way, but nobody promised hove life would be a “ get rich quick sceme “ and writing is not about the techniques, its about the style, frequency, audience and time. Now if you think you want to read all thats here and don’t want to miss anything, something is wrong with you and I need to make it maybe more clear and I will try that with this piece of writing.

Its also in the structure of the blog, the head, the tail, the tension and the information you give your reader. It is also the rhythm of the text. ( well for me that is ) Alternating between short, long, and summing up. And plaese add pictures, memes, gifs and images that are your own or that are free to use and add the source for reference and accusation of plagiarism.

Blogging or Storytelling doesn't come onto the chain of opportunities on its own - where you describe details, emotions, specifics, or facts of life - without the missing ingredient for your reader no hive vote. I have to tell that the best blogs in my humble opinion didn’t get the votes it deserved and the ones I thought needed more work made a huge amount. Again it all depends on the taste and time of your hive reader, you have to tell it in the right perspective.

You can't make it with directness alone, I am Dutch and very direct. That caused some troubles in the past but being passionate and honest is for me the main focus. Thank god for a free speech platform.
Sure, it keeps the reader fascinated, a bit of argumenten or online fighting, and the feel in the comments that tension, but also engagement. And maybe the oopinion of others gives new insights.

A story can be so well written, technically fantastically put together. But blogged in the wrong community or accompanied with the wrong tags it might not do well. I personally like a little imperfection here and there. I recently learned that a 7 year old became a hiver because mum opened an account for her, but when you read the blog you hear mum talking and the terminology is for some hivers not understandable. That for many will not be worth a vote. But maybe I am wrong, but an imperfection or language that is from a 7 year old is better than a perfect blog. Makes it real.

Only, if you have a strategy, hive will be successful or a do able must if you are like me, a vision of how I want my online life to be.
But you also know that you are not going to find the real story outside of yourself if you dont listen to your hart, because writing comes from the hart. Your experiences, your own emotions or those of your family, collegues or fiends are all basis for blogs. So go write with your voice, energy, personality. It's about what you see, hear, feel, and what you want to say. But be careful it will be forever embedded on the blockchain.


I have fantastic news: you all are bursting with good stories,
So go write. Sometimes you don't recognize it as good or brilliant, but type it up on your pc and press publish. Just for fun..... see you on a blog!

And also always reply to everyone inthe commnet they came by with a reason !


Buen texto. ¿Qué es un buen texto? Ayer alguien me preguntó: “¿Qué puedo escribir en un blog y escribir para obtener votos? “Bueno, si supiéramos esa receta todos seríamos ballenas ahora. No es muy divertido, buscar tu propio nicho, la forma en que escribes y los temas es mucho más divertido. Sé que no es la forma más fácil y rápida, pero nadie prometió que la vida sería un "momento para hacerse rico rápidamente" y escribir no se trata de técnicas, sino de estilo, frecuencia, audiencia y tiempo. Ahora, si crees que quieres leer todo lo que hay aquí y no quieres perderte nada, algo anda mal contigo y necesito dejarlo más claro, y lo intentaré con este escrito.

También está en la estructura del blog, la cabeza, la cola, la tensión y la información que le das a tu lector. También es el ritmo del texto. (bueno para mí eso es) Alternando entre corto, largo y resumen. Y agregue imágenes, memes, gifs e imágenes que sean suyas o de uso gratuito y agregue la fuente de referencia y acusación de plagio.

Bloguear o contar historias no entra en la cadena de oportunidades por sí solo, donde usted describe detalles, emociones, detalles o hechos de la vida, sin el ingrediente que falta para que su lector no vote en colmena. Tengo que decir que los mejores blogs, en mi humilde opinión, no obtuvieron los votos que merecían y los que pensé que necesitaban más trabajo obtuvieron una gran cantidad. Nuevamente, todo depende del gusto y el tiempo de su lector de colmena, debe contarlo en la perspectiva correcta.

No puedes hacerlo solo con franqueza, soy holandés y muy directo. Eso causó algunos problemas en el pasado, pero ser apasionado y honesto es para mí el enfoque principal. Gracias a Dios por una plataforma de libertad de expresión.
Claro, mantiene al lector fascinado, un poco de discusión o peleas en línea, y la sensación en los comentarios de tensión, pero también de compromiso. Y tal vez la opinión de otros proporcione nuevos conocimientos.

Una historia puede estar tan bien escrita, técnicamente fantásticamente ensamblada. Pero bloguear en la comunidad equivocada o acompañado con las etiquetas incorrectas puede que no funcione bien. Personalmente, me gusta un poco de imperfección aquí y allá. Hace poco me enteré de que una niña de 7 años se convirtió en enjambre porque mamá le abrió una cuenta, pero cuando lees el blog, escuchas a mamá hablando y la terminología es incomprensible para algunos que padecen de esta enfermedad. Eso para muchos no valdrá la pena un voto. Pero quizás me equivoque, pero una imperfección o un lenguaje que sea de un niño de 7 años es mejor que un blog perfecto. Lo hace real.

Solo, si tienes una estrategia, Hive tendrá éxito o si eres como yo, una visión de cómo quiero que sea mi vida en línea.
Pero también sabes que no vas a encontrar la historia real fuera de ti mismo si no escuchas a tu corazón, porque la escritura viene del corazón. Tus experiencias, tus propias emociones o las de tu familia, compañeros o amigos son la base de los blogs. Así que escribe con tu voz, energía, personalidad. Se trata de lo que ve, oye, siente y lo que quiere decir. Pero tenga cuidado, estará incrustado para siempre en la cadena de bloques.

Tengo una noticia fantástica: todos ustedes están llenos de buenas historias,
Así que ve a escribir. A veces no lo reconoce como bueno o brillante, pero escríbalo en su PC y presione publicar. Sólo por diversión ...

¡nos vemos en un blog!


Thanks for stopping by,
its appreciated and remember always focus on being creative
instead of being bee-zy.
Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #lifestylelounge #needleworkmonday and #ladiesofhive and #amazingnature . Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.



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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 60 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @brittandjosie, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Me gustó tu punto de vista. No siempre podemos saber lo que gustará o no, lo importante es divertirse y que plasmes lo que te dice el corazón. También he tenido la sensación que hemos tenido muchos en Hive: unas publicaciones de un pobre contenido obtienen altos votos. Y aunque pareciera un poco injusto, se trata más bien de un asunto de gustos, de nichos, de frecuencia de escritos y de preferencia de los seguidores.

suerte de recibir los votos y él explicaba que no se trata de suerte sino de esmero, de dedicación, de frecuencia y de historia dentro de la Blockchaine.En días pasados, leía a un usuario ( @tarazkp ) que escribía algo por el estilo, donde disertaba sobre lo que algunos llamaban

No se trata de suerte, se trata de encontrar tu estilo, tu colmena adecuada, las etiquetas correctas, un poco de imperfecciones, pero, y es lo más importante para mí, se trata de disfrutar tu contenido y que se alegre tu corazón.


Sigamos Adelante, Crezcamos Juntos! ®

I liked your point of view. We can not always know what you will like or not, the important thing is to have fun and that you capture what your heart tells you. I've also had the feeling we've had a lot on Hive: posts with poor content get high votes. And although it seems a bit unfair, it is more a matter of taste, niches, frequency of writing and the preference of the followers.

In recent days, I read a user (@tarazkp) who wrote something like that, where he spoke about what some called luck to receive the votes and he explained that it is not about luck but about dedication, dedication, frequency and of history within the Blockchaine.

It's not about luck, it's about finding your style, your right hive, the right labels, a bit of blemishes, but, and most important to me, it's about enjoying your content and making your heart rejoice.


Let's Go Forward, Let's Grow Together! ®

Taraz is right the fact that a lot of people who just came here compair their blogs to the blogs by others who had been here two or three years ago, and established relations is not the right thing. And again this pays more than whatever social platform so be glad you earn something, on FB you get zero.

It’s a job not a gain game ,
So thank you for your reply
Have a great weekend

Gracias a tí. Muy buen fin de semana también.

De nada 😉

Very well said, I can't think of a better answer than this!!

It's true that you have to be a social media fan to only do that on unpaid ones but the combo for me is great. You do different ones aswell that might be the same for you the more you spread the better
Thanks for coming by

This is very useful. I'm really having a hard time writing blogs. I'm not good in making sentence and story telling.but I'm trying my best. hehe, Thanks for this @brittandjosie.

Well the truth is it’s hard and the recipe doesn’t excist, but with construction and consistency there is a earn possibilitiy. I am gonna ho to for blog and see what you write about now

You are very correct: writing comes from the heart. If the intent is just to make money here, I don't think that might work out so well. One has to be very passionate about writing in order to preserve through the odds and create good content for their readers.
Thank you so much for reminding us of these important thingsThank you so much for this post @brittandjosie

Yes the ones that came for the fee ride and easy earnings have left the building long time ago.
The fact that it’s a job and causes you to find you inner persistence is for some to much already.
Writing is a skill blogging is fun writing blogs is a time consuming fun factor

Hello @brittandjosie. Nice article you present. I agree that writing is hard, especially when you're trying to write about something you know nothing about. When you write about you and your experiences, you will have more success. I also feel publishing during a certain period is also key. You once wrote that best time to publish is around 4 p.m.

However, your relevant content, consistency, and engagement after your publish your post allows others to connect with you.

But the key is to just write about what interests you, not about what's popular. I feel there is too much of that. Be different. You'll find your niche and Community with like-minded people who'll enjoy what you've written.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I'd also suggest proofreading.

For me or in general. I will reread this blog now hahah