One of my biggest fears is making less money for myself and my family.
Well, was that the problem? I dont think so.
The problem is I want freedom for myself, my family, and my loved ones.
I did not want to go to work when I didn't want to. I didn't want to kiss anybody’s ass if it was not necessary but here I am still doing what I do not want to do.
What’s that? It's medicine.
So I want to stay consistent but let me just say that I would rather live with my workspace at home than have to go to work every day..
I chose medicine as a career for job safety and that’s because my mom had this thing of job security.
Was she wrong to think that way?
Was I wrong to accept her line of thoughts?
The answer is NO.
I mean I came from a middle-class background with my mother being able to provide for me,
I mean she was my world. How the hell did you think I was going to ignore her..
Anyways, she lost everything while we were growing up and where was the next place to go from middle class? It was definitely the lower class.
For those who don’t know about the lower class, it's a place where you are either homeless or you are on your way to being homeless. You struggle to eat and buying clothes is a luxury.
In summary, it's a place where your income is way less than your expenses no matter how frugal you are The nearest health issue would bankrupt you. The next job layoff will send you into depression.
I guess you probably get the jerk.
Growing up, I wanted security to stay in the middle class and probably find a way to get to the upper class.
Now the problem is being in the middle class can configure your brain into being comfortable there. I mean when the rich guys say the comfort zone is the enemy, they know what they are saying.
I finally got into medical school and finished medical school and now I work as a doctor but I can’t still take care of my family comfortably. I can do a fairly good job at taking care of myself but my girlfriend has to work so we can be very comfortable.
But honestly, is this the life I thought I was going to have? Hell, No
Is this the life I envisioned? Never
So what did I want?
I wanted to be a high-class citizen but I was going through a process of ending in the middle class.
I wanted to go to the supermarket and never ask for the price and buy without having to look at my account balance.
I am sure you get the feeling right?
So the question then is how can I get to the high class?
Now I was told knowledge and problems are your two best friends on your way to being rich.
The first is to find a problem and solve it. I mean the world revolves around problem solvers. Think of it, Warren Buffet - helping people invest, the problem is people are too lazy to understand financial statements and the like.
Jeff Bezos makes shopping easier and people are willing to pay tons for it.
So if you have a problem you can solve and people are willing to pay you for it, then you will be rich.
However, it does not stop at that, you need to be knowledgeable about the solutions you are giving. I once heard a saying that the world doesn’t pay mediocrity. If you think you want to be mediocre then stay in the middle class.
This is not just a mediocre solution. These are top-notch solutions.
So since the path to being a high-class citizen is already known, then why do most people remain poor?
The first reason is inaction.
You know inaction can be very bad. Like inaction can come from fear of people’s thoughts.
Inaction can come from laziness.
Inaction can come from being too comfortable.
Personally, I think inaction from fear can be very limiting.
So if you are willing to move from your current class to a better class, face your fear and just start.
According to Tony Robbins, change only happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of improving.
Are you enjoying your current level?