It's the festive season and different preparations are been put in place in every country on the earth. Christmas is celebrated all over the world to relax and have fun with all the family members you haven't seen throughout the year, it's a festive season that brings families together nevertheless many people take advantage of this season to ruin themselves unknown to them and to ruin many other relationships.
Love is a beautiful thing but why does it suddenly turn sour? Why do people find it difficult to believe in love again after one or two disappointments? Building a solid relationship comes with lots of patience, love, tolerance, commitment, trust, obedience, and support. Any relationship lacking these factors can't stand the test of time and this is why many young relationships are crashing today. Many marriages have led to divorce because both parties couldn't cope with each other anymore and this has become rampant in our society today.
Factors that ruin love and relationships are greed, covetousness, and lack of contentment, many relationships today are based on love for money and material things. Genuine love is hard to come by tho it exists but many people do not want to start afresh with their partners, especially ladies. We all want to cruise on boats, want to go to clubs, there is nothing bad in enjoying life but why must it be at the expense of hurting your loved ones?
I once met a guy who lost his trust in women because of his ex-girlfriend, he explained his ordeal to me, and it hurts my pride as a lady. His girlfriend allowed another man to grab her butt because of twenty thousand naira(#20,000) Nigerian money and since that day he lost interest in ladies he had to go through counseling before he was convinced enough to go into another relationship. The such incident happens every day not only to singles but also to married men and women. Greed has taken over and people are not careful enough to notice the damages it's causing to human lives, the quest for money has taken over human minds no one cares about love anymore we all just want to make money at any cost. Love is to be appreciated and cherished every day because love brings joy, happiness, and peace of mind therefore appreciate any form of love you received and be contented with whatever you have at the moment. Work hard, enjoy your love life and make good use of your time, support your partner, and take responsibility for your life.
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