A picture worth more than a thousand words:My favorite bunny

in Freewriterslast year

Growing up, I do visit my grandparents who happen to be farmers. They happen to deal in crop and animal farming, one of the animals they rear is a rabbit, and ever since childhood, I've known them to be the best in the village. Anytime I visit, I always love playing with the rabbit because of its fluffy hair, beautiful pink eyes, and cute long ears.

When I clocked 10, I traveled to the village and requested my grandparents for my birthday gift, surprisingly my grandpa stood up and went into his cage and brought me my favorite rabbit which I named Mikah. With tears of joy in my eyes I knelt to greet my grandparents for the wonderful gift they gave me.

I took Mikah, my bunny back to the city with me and everyone in the house loved it and cherished it. He became my friend to which I always tell my problems too even though he didn't understand or hear me but I felt a strong connection with him. As the year goes by Mikah continues to grow fluffier and cuter. We needed to go for a family occasion and Mikah can't go with us, I had to keep him with the gatekeeper for 3 days.

After making provisions for his food, I left him with the gateman, on the second day of the journey the gateman called to inform me that Mikah is unwell, I became disturbed as I can't return that day but I kept hoping he will be fine till I'm back. After the ceremony, immediately we drove back to our destination and on getting home I rushed to his cage to check on him but to my surprise, I didn't see him there. The gateman walked up to me sadly to break the sad news that my favorite bunny Mikah died in the morning before my arrival.

He brought him to me in a basket and I burst into tears because he is so much loved by me and everyone in the family but I couldn't avert his death.


A cute long hair of a beautiful bunny on a field grazing and having fun.


I felt hurt and a bit sad because it reminded me of my late favorite bunny Mikah. Bunny are wonderful creatures and they are lovely and friendly. They posses good traits and wonderful characteristics which makes them lovable.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


A nice pet

So sorry about the death of your pet 🐱

Check back at Grandpa...you might be fortunate..

I don't know how old he was but it is so sad. Good the gatekeeper showed him to you.

Thanks for joining pic1000.👌