Being a go-getter

in Freewriters2 years ago

It's easy to look at people who are constantly striving to improve themselves and think that they're just putting too much pressure on themselves. But the truth is, there are plenty of benefits to being a go-getter.

For one, it means that you're never satisfied with mediocrity. You're always pushing yourself to be better, which means you're more likely to achieve your goals. And even if you don't reach your goals, you'll still end up in a better place than if you'd settled for mediocrity.

Another benefit of being a go-getter is that it inspires those around you. When you're constantly striving to improve yourself, it shows others that it's possible to do the same. And that can be incredibly motivational for those who might need a little push to reach their own potential.

So if you're someone who's always striving to be the best version of yourself, don't be discouraged with obstacles... you're doing yourself, and those around you, a favor.

I have always been a person who likes to surround myself with people who are positive, supportive and encouraging. I believe that we can all learn from each other and that we should all try to engage with people who we admire and respect. Having these types of people around always pushes me to be a better version of myself. I try to seek out people who I know will have a positive influence on me, whether it be their lifestyle, point of view or just having deep meaningful conversations.

If you don't actively work to improve yourself, you'll never be the best version of yourself. You'll always be stuck in mediocrity, never reaching your potential. It's not enough to just coast by - you have to constantly strive to get better, to win more, and to become the best possible version of yourself. Otherwise, you'll always regret what could have been. So set your standards high and never settle for less than your very best.

That being said, I am always trying to improve myself and bring something to the table. It's not only about learning from other people but also about being able to teach them something or help them achieve their goals. One of the hardest things I've had to learn in life is to be able to tell other people where they are making a mistake or how they could improve their life without sounding authoritarian and without hurting their feelings.

Humans are sensible and easy to feel insulted even if our intentions are positive, this is just human nature - even if you are german.

I strive to surround myself with people who are constantly searching for success and are continuously striving to be better versions of themselves no matter if it is at a personal, professional or spiritual level.

It's great to be a go-getter and to achieve short or long term goals, but it is also amazing to see other people achieve them, and it is a feeling out of this earth when they do so thanks to your influence in them.

Because you get involved with them to a certain level where their goals become your goals, where you celebrate their victories as if they were your own and you feel their failures as if it it damaged your own life.

So get off your ass, start small and become a go-getter on every single aspect of your life.


Lol at 24 years old you don't know shit

I am 24. And I know a lot of things 🙃😁

Ask yourself the same question when you get to 34.

Lol. I'll wait 10 more years then 😁🙌

Or you can do it in reverse. What you knew 10 years ago with what you know now.

I'm also a go getter. Sometimes I also feel that I'm not doing enough and therefore crave for more knowledge in other to achieve those goals. Well positive mindset is one of the keys to greatness.

In this sense, I can say that I am a go getter too... Every day I am taking courses to learn more than I can, I try to organize my day to be able to carry out various activities that do me good in the long term, such as work, exercises for physical health, I dedicate 30 to 60 minutes a day to learning guitar, I try to see at least 1 course a day on photography and I do 30 minutes of daily cleaning of the house, I have discovered that if I clean a little every day I never have to do a thorough cleaning.

while I exercise I like to listen to audiobooks that teach me things that have to do with finances to learn and fill me with new ideas

I LOVE that graphic ... good to see Wojak getting his life together as I work and hodl and buidl on!