Love your body for what it does for you, not for what others want from it.

in Freewriters3 years ago


There is an empire of feigned beauty, of stereotypes, in the midst of this tide of stimuli and complications, the real beauty of being is lost, to give way to the physical to the aesthetic, to the sexual attractiveness, this tells us that everything beautiful that we carry inside now is enslaved to the sexual showcase.

Many times we expect social approval with stereotypes that perhaps we do not want to achieve and for this reason we destroy ourselves because we do not meet the expectations of society, but have you ever wondered what your body does for you on a daily basis?

Day by day, night by night, our body works to maintain and protect all its parts, maintains temperature, maintains vital functions, nutrition, defends against viruses and diseases.
I share some Tips to Assess your Body:

  • From now on, think positively about your body, positive reinforcement helps to continue valuing and maintaining our body.
  • Do not compare yourself with anyone, do not look for a model of a famous person to compare yourself, each body has its own characteristics and it is difficult to compare one with another.
  • Do not look at your body, Feel it: we can feel the health of the body, focus on feeling good physically and mentally, obsessing over looking in the mirror at all times is not a good option.
  • Write a list with the things you like about your body so you will realize that there are not only negative things, and also with the negative aspects you can make a list but it includes habits and actions that we can do to modify them.
    We must always love and take care of our body, whatever the shape or size it is and the best way to do it is to take care of ourselves daily with healthy habits.

Everything will be fine…