This Man On The Flight Nearly Killed Me...

in Freewriters3 years ago

...No jokes. Let me give you a back story.

I don't want to say I'm an aerophobe because I actually prefer flying to other means of transportation but I get mad anxiety throughout flights.

I'm the type to pay great attention to instructions given by the hostesses, my seat belt is always fastened even when the sign for it goes off, I don't smoke, I turn off my phone completely instead of leaving it on airplane mode like I know some murderers do. I don't play with safety.

I'd like everyone to be as compliant as I am but that's just wishful thinking really. On a recent trip I made, my anxious self had done everything in preparation for the flight and I was getting ready to commence my relaxation techniques and soothing self-pep talk. It was a short flight so I didn't need my medication, I really wish I had used it though. I would not have had to experience first hand, a murderer.

From beginning to end, he was a pain!

He wouldn't turn off his phone, he kept playing candy crush. Anytime he saw a hostess coming towards him, he'd hide the device and then keep playing when she was gone. He was sitted right beside me so you can imagine how uncomfortable I was.

Just as the plane was taking off, he stood up. Ask me why! He wanted to check that he brought his baggage. Excuse youuuuuu?! At this time? Are you trying to kill us all? I had to keep adjusting my seatbelt because my anxiety level was rising like crazy - "Mr, please, have your seat and wait for the seatbelt sign to go off" He said okay.

At this point, I was looking for a healthy distraction. Anything to take my mind off the stubborn man. He kept giving me side glances and at some point, I had to ask if there was something I could help him with. Maybe he wanted to read my book?

I'd have given him if that's what he'd take to get him to rest and focus on something else instead he says "I really need a smoke" - I'm livid. Gently I say, "you can't smoke on the plane sir, we will land soon; then you can go". He nods his head as if he understands but proceeds to unbuckle his belt again and search his pocket for something.

You've got to be kidding me right now!?!

This time, the seatbelt sign is off and he proceeds to the lavatory - he's going to smoke, I just know it. Why's this man trying to kill us all? Me especially cos I'm witnessing this first hand and I'm helpless. A hostess must have caught him fumbling for the packet of smoke as he entered the loo because she brought him right back and asked him to take a seat.

I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths- that didn't work. I tried to count numbers backwards, that didn't work either. "I'm screwed", I thought you myself. I'm going to die on this plane. Just then, he started talking - I couldn't make out the words at first because I could hear the silent noise the plane was making. He was gesticulating as he was speaking, I had to pay attention.

He had caught his wife cheating...

And the first thing on his mind to do was pick a bag and leave. He didn't want to think about it, he couldn't. They had been married for three years now according to him and it had been great all along. "Maybe she wanted kids so bad and I couldn't give them to her" - he asked me like he was expecting some kind of answer. At this point, I had forgotten my fear and was engrossed in the story. "I don't know..." was all I could mutter. He sighed like he really expected me to have the answers to this very crucial matter.

I noticed he was fumbling with his pockets again and I asked him a question to get his mind off his troubles as he got me off mine. "Who are you going to portharcourt to meet sir?" He looked at me as if hearing my voice for the first time and said "My girlfriend, I called her and told her everything; she suggested I come over and stay". If you're shocked now, imagine how dumbfounded I was then, 🤣. It's funny now but I was pissed, confused and back to worrying about dying on this flight beside someone who had no care for his life or others.

Thankfully, we landed safely and I could hear my thoughts again. I'll be sure to take my medication with me on future flights - long or short. I don't want to hear any story. Phewww 🙂

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No way! 😂 What an think I felt sorry for him

I was shocked.

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