Five Minutes Freewrite: A Purple Spotted Apple

in Freewriters2 months ago


It was a hot afternoon. Derek went to tht fridge and realized that his favourite fruit was not among those still remaining. Joe had dealt with his apples the land time he visited him. Even though he didn't plan to buy fruits, he was compelled to restock because of scarcity.

Derek dressed up and drove down to his favourite grocery shop. There l, he met his old time friend Dalian who came shopping with his girlfriend. After the exchange of pleasantries Derek joined them to shop. He told them specifically that he came to restock his diminished stock or fruits.

Derek picked up some guavas, oranges and then proceeded to the apple section. There, Dalian's girlfriend advised him to take up the purple spotted apples. She claims they taste better than the green or yellow coloured ones. Derek's choice is usually the green coloured ones anyway.

He agreed and collected some purple spotted apples in addition to his usuals....thr green ones. They were of the opinion that after he has tasted both now he will be in a better position to know which is better.

At that point, Dalian and the girlfriend had to leave him and proceed to other sections of the grocery store while Derek went over the counter to make payment.