Five Minutes Freewrite: A Big Boat

in Freewriters3 months ago


The early morning breeze swarted away through the coastal community and Janie was fast asleep. Sleep is .oat enjoyed under that sort of weather. But a strange cry from afar woke Janie up to reality, that savages have broken the line and overran the city.

Janie needs to make haste while there is still time for her to do so. If she does not run for her dear life, like other early risers she will become history.

The savages usually strike at those times of the day, when people are fast asleep. Most times they record huge casualties and the coastal community is also dispersed for months for fear of further attacks.

This is the bad side of communal attacks. The other party usually embark on reprisals which most times are usually bloody.

Janie wrapped some clothings and stealthily ran towards the shore. There she was presented with a big boat filled with basically old and young persons. Janie jumped in and in a matter of minutes the big boat became overloaded. Not wanting to waste further time, because delay is dangerous, they said away towards the Eastern part of the town. There she will discharge all of them to use the road and escape further.

This has been the usual pattern whenever the savages struck. For now, nobody knows when Janie will return home.