
Thank you for replying.
You didn't select "decline payout" before publishing the photo.
It means that you claimed the authorship of it by not sourcing it.
We removed the reward from the post.

Before doing that I would have appreciated if you would point me where it says this in the rules. But since you didn't do that I guess you were not here to teach me something but to punish people. :)) Well done

Like I said I didn't link because there is no such request and by not doing that it doesn't mean I claim authorship it's just means I'm respecting their rules.

Listen. If u think we can make even one time exception because you don't know the rules imagine the bots and how curators will see if images are free to use? Curators are paid less, so just by providing source please follow the rules. Even Hivewatchers are paid less. If u see all are struggling to fulfill there roles to keep the blockchain clean from abuse. If u follow rule to source images then we can see if it's free to use or not. Please cooperate and save everyone's time.

Hive can't allow 1 time exception as it will be bad if bot nets attack. I like you confidence to ask questions.