5 Minute Freewrite///Prompt: Tomorrow it would start



Angelique and Elia's friendship has lasted as long as they could remember. They both lived in a small town. But, Angelique landed her dream job in New York and was off tomorrow to the airport to get there. Elia didn't know what to do about her best friend being gone for a long time. She was stuck with her boring job that got her nowhere. Surely, Angelique tried so hard to get to this point in her career.

So, Tomorrow arrived and Angelique and Elia said goodbye to each other, but they promised each other that nothing would get in the way of their relationship. This friendship meant a lot to both of them. They promised each other to talk to each other every night over skype or some other video call service.

After a year, Angelique started to behave coldly towards Elia. She made new friends and forgot about Elia. This broke Elia's heart. At first, she thought something bad happened to Angelique. So, she hurriedly flew to New York to see Angelique. But, she saw that Angelique is busy with her new friends. Elia was very disappointed and got back home. “Angelique broke her promise,” Elia kept telling herself. Elia was sad about this situation for a long time.

After a few years, Angelique and Elia were completely separate. Each tried to take care of their own lives. Elia tried to be as successful as Angelique. So, she, alongside her job, tried to blog about her life on social media. By and by, her followers increased, and big companies wanted to sponsor her. She increased her income by a huge percent. Angelique messaged her, but Elia did not respond because she too had made a lot of followers who were her best friend.

After a few years, Elia made her company called “Bestie” who helped gather funds for women who wanted to start their own business. Elia now owns a Café in New York and spends most of her time in her dream job. She still blogs about her life on social media. Angelique's “new friends” betrayed her, and she lost her job and had to apply for her old job back home.