Tommy Robinson Interviewed On Russia Today

in Tommy Robinson5 years ago (edited)

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Tommy Robinson Interviewed On Russia Today By Oskana Boyko On The Worlds Apart Programme.

The video speaks for itself. Tommy brilliantly deconstructs the counter-narratives used to protect Islam from criticism, especially concerning the topic of Muslim child rape gangs. Tommy also talks about the damage caused by uncontrolled, unfettered immigration policies of the UK.

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she might have a valid point (I'll paraphrase):
INSTEAD of theology (despite it being true) concentrate on criminality!
like it or not isl@m is considered a "religion" in UK, it's obvious this "religion" is rooted in global submission, but that's within theological & not criminal domain
lord Pearson: "can we talk about isl@m" is not the pragmatic approach, rather the blatant GOVERMENT UNEQUAL TREATMENT & UNLAWFUL FAVOURITISM TOWARDS MUSLIM CRIMINALS should be the main & focus
another words, once any religion is demonized then automatically all religions are demonized!
For years T❤️R been banging on ",, but the perpetrators themselves say it's their religion to behave like this"; yet time after time it falls on deaf ears, cause the general public will not distinguish between various religions & sees attacking one as attacking freedom of religion itself
that's why I think it's more pragmatic to address goverment bias (dhimmitude) instead of theology
- PiPtar

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What i find more interesting is how TR manages gets the coverage he does, on all mainstream media (interviews etc.)
I'm not bashing him, but I do know how difficult it is to get that kind of exposure, on MSM outlets.

You may not have known Tommy Robinson back in the days of the EDL, which really came into existence before widespread adoption of Facebook in the UK. In fact EDL activities were organised face to face amongst groups of football fans. There was an active community online on a message board run by the EDL, that disappeared years ago but will stage a come back soon.

The fame Tommy has gained (or infamy) came from being able to call 1000's onto the streets. That garnered media attention and all through it, every time the media tried to take him down with attack interviews, exactly like this one, he came through shining. Only two late did the posh elites realise that Tommy was way smarter than they thought (they hear his accent and figure he's dumb, what a huge mistake).

Everything they've done to suppress him, including 4 jail terms has backfired.

Right now I'm waiting to hear they'll arrest him on his way back into the UK. I full expect that.

That garnered media attention and all through it, every time the media tried to take him down with attack interviews,

Thats my point - he's been given a platform by the MSM.

think about the guy (dead now- in the holly greg case in scotland an pedophilia (right name i think)
He was arrested for giving out leaflets, and given zero MSM coverage.

Melanie Shaw is another.

You see what I mean? The MSM are still giving him the platform to talk to a very wide audience.
That option is not offered to many. I said, definitely not dissing him, but I'm skeptical when the MSM allow yet more coverage of 'public enemy no.1'

Yes, I understand you now.

Tommy's personality and intelligence is a huge part of this. He really is very good. He's amazing now, but he was pretty good even right back at the start. He had the right instincts without training and over the years he's only gotten better at it.

I honestly think it was hubris from the media, they're so used to building someone up and then destroying them. The classic was the original Paxman Newsnight interview. They thought that would destroy him and ever since then new journalists arise to slay the dragon because they just think they are the one to bring him down.

I do agree that focusing on the dhimmitude of the ruling elites is a good move. Peter, Tommy's co-author of Mohammed's Koran thinks Kuffarphobia is a good place to go next.

The real answer is that there is a massive problem and we're all fairly clueless how to live with a treasonous ideology that strives for supremacy all around us.

Well that was a good interview until that stupid woman open her mouth.
It's nice to see that Tommy absolutely has his facts and get his facts right and no matter how hard she tried to push he stayed focused.
If you ask me it's pretty disgusting the way that Russian b**** went on especially when you consider when he mentioned about sex change and stuff like that in Russia it's illegal to be homosexual.
Tommy keeping up the good fight.
- craig harrison

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Tommy made his best point right at the end and should have used it several times. If a person wants to emulate Jesus he would not be inspired to murder or rape - but a person who wants to emulate the behaviour of Mohamed is someone to be very worried about.
- Michael

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It is good she did ask all these questions as it was answered clear and every statement proven, I am glad this woman actually was the way she was as it also highlight a lot of her own issues.
- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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Correct, a hostile interview tells us a lot more and as usual, Tommy handles it very well.

they agreed not to "edit"; but used tricks such as biased video clips & still images over when TR was trying to reply! This confuses the watcher/listener & implants subconscious bias!
it's a dirty backhanded media/propaganda trick
- PiPtar

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lady: "but that's not Isl@m"
TR: "but they themselves say they doing it cause of isl@m
my answer: "good I'm so glad it's not, so I'm waiting for all the imams & Sharia courts to issue an edict (fatwah):
Any Muslim in British jails who is convicted of any terror &/or sexual assault, is no longer a Muslim but a KOFAR. HERETIC, EX MUSLIM, APOSTATE & all Islamic laws relating to apostates apply to them,,,
put the ball in their court
- PiPtar

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Notice also that she personally managed to declare those behind the Beslan Massacre as apostates. She's not even Muslim herself (she said she's married to a Muslim) but she's confident enough to declare someone else who identifies as Muslim to be apostate.

Good luck with that attitude.

And isn't it interesting how a man can self declare himself to be a woman, but if a self declared Muslim does something this host doesn't like, suddenly the host gets to decide who is and who isn't a Muslim.

And isn't it interesting how a man can self declare himself to be a woman, but if a self declared Muslim does something this host doesn't like, suddenly the host gets to decide who is and who isn't a Muslim.

That denial of someone else's "self declaration" is a crime in some places.

There is a lot wrong with islam in the UK and the rape gangs are only a part of it. Tommy should stop concentrating on that aspect only and widen the net to include all the other problems
- brixtonboy

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Mr Robinson's delivery and control under these circumstances has greatly improved. It is fantastic that he is able to call the statistics to mind and present them in a clear factual manner. Kudos to Mr Robinson on his delivery and performance . 10/10
- chicconni

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She's rude, and very loud. She's cutting him off at every opportunity. Thankfully, Tom has got all the stats to counter her. She's trying her best to appease that faith because she's married to one.
- Kaz

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be careful of stats they can be used to prove anything
- brixtonboy

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She as right if people took the bible literally then slavery, torture, an eye of an eye and all the rest of it. BUT nobody does. In this country a few muslims do take the Koran literally the problem is all the others who turn a blind eye to those that do
- brixtonboy

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Like so many other Left Wing interviewers she kept firing questions over him rather than allowing him to answer them and finish making his point.
- Mystie

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Except she is not Left Wing. Soviets would class her as lowest of the low and would not expect any better from such combination: Ukrainian woman + married to a Muslim. To former Soviets, it would say it all. I hope Britons do not think she is actually Russian :-D
- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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This was difficult to watch as it wasn't the interview I expected, and it was clear which side the interveiwer was on. They are in their own way as bad as the BBC. It is to Tommy's enormous credit that he had all the facts at his fingertips, kept a cool head and was able to deflect all of her accusations. He so obviously got the better of her because each time she found she was losing the argument she changed the subject. Well done Tommy!
- Penny

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First, your local vicar doesn't incite you to 'smite the necks of the unbelievers' on a Sunday mornings church service. Christianity has evolved, Islam is stuck in the 7th century
Interesting to see Osanka grow increasingly strident as the reality of what she may be wedded to dawned on her.
And how prudent of Russia to exclude Saudi and Qatar's money, something every country should do.
- Samael

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If we think fake media is a problem here we should be careful listening to anybody in Russia. RT has nothing on the BBC when it comes to lies and propaganda. Putin is a dictator and has almost total control of the media, Tommy being banged up here is small fry, if he had been in Russian and causing the problems he was accused of here he would be dead or in Siberia. There is a lot wrong in this country but to look to Russia for solutions could lead to a very dark place.
- brixtonboy

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Why is Oskana shouting all the way through the interview?
Tommy is feet away and I am pretty sure he does not have a hearing problem..
Kudos to RT for airing the interview unedited but it has resulted in Oskana looking like a narrow minded radical and Tommy looking informed, educated and more important - correct..
- EdinburghCares

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This was not an interview, it was a lame attempt to discredit Tommy and justify her foolish marriage to a fake Muslim. If he was a genuine follower of Islam she would be wearing a hijab, which would hide the bruises - because the Koran states that a good man beats his wife.
- 1022

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Even against the most strident opposition, Tommy always manages to get his point across. He knows his material and can’t be beaten ! Bravo Tommy
- RubyGirl

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Tommy is a great interviewee. She was brutal and Tommy danced with her for the whole interview. She didn’t manage to land a single blow. And the IRA was willing to negotiate. They have signed a peace agreement. You see that happening with Islam ? It’s the literal word of G-d, it can’t be changed
- RubyGirl

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She's borderline screaming at him. She's far from impartial. In fact, she's that loud she's giving me a damn headache.
- Kaz

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She's like that with everyone she interviews, Kaz. She's a pretty good interviewer I have watched her for years now. Mr Robinson was more than capable of handling himself.
Mr Robinson's delivery and control under these circumstances has greatly improved. It is fantastic that he is able to call the statistics to mind and present them in a clear factual manner. Kudos to Mr Robinson on his delivery and performance . 10/10

- chicconni

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The interviewer did her best to separate Islam from Grooming Gangs - an impossible task - and gave Tommy some time to speak about their true nature. That's quite brave of RT.
- Ddave

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This interviewer is being subjective by saying "I don't see it that way" etc and also trying to make it about race when referring to past events by the English, when this is not about race but about a dangerous ideology that approves of taking sex slaves. She is defending these rape gangs.
- Mystie

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In fact, as Tommy concentrate to what he knows, well done for him, the others can concentrate to exposing evil ideologies of Old Testament or anything else, it is not that Tommy says against any other exposings of dangerous ideologies and so on. In a way, I suppose, he did not put that clearly enough

- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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I never understand why these presenters hark back to 'the empire' or the 'terrible things' that were carried out in the name of Christianity almost to excuse what is happening now. The past is the past. I am 68 yrs of age and went through the school education system in England and went to Sunday school and church too when young. We only ever concentrated on the New Testament the teachings of Jesus. He was like a modern day hippie - peace loving, kind and forgiving. Tommy is talking about what is going on now in this country. It's a relatively new phenomenon- Muslim grooming gangs. We have to talk about it.
- Merc

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Ukrainian woman married (??? what about her still Ukrainian surname?) to a Muslim- it is something very special about that combination :-D
- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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All Tommy does the state the facts tell the truth.
The problem is in the UK the government and the system the police and the courts have covered up their mishandling of all of this do you know what the actually truly are them people that treators it was our own people tell me is a goddamn Hero.
But do you know why that woman digging and digging is because even in Russia of the Ukraine really which is where the interview was held they have made the same mistakes as the British government same mistakes as the French and the Germans and the rest of the bloody goddamn world. But as long as somebody has got balls as big as Tommy Robinson and is prepared to open her mouth and tell the truth the world could possibly be a better place from radical idiots
- craig harrison

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Ukrainians even in Russia Tv are Ukrainians :-D :-D :-D I was laughing together with the others at her desperate tries :-D
- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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I cannot listen to this pro Muslim white trash bitch
- CaptainDirk

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Unbelievable how often she interrupts him as soon as he starts giving evidence to support his points. I was waiting for her to come out with 'So what you're saying is....'!
- Dave

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Notice how often she uses the tu quoque fallacy, the equivocation fallacy, the fallacy of false equivalence, straw man arguments, and a dozen more. This is what they call serious intellectual discussion and proper journalism? A three-year-old could see she's just determined to hide and ignore anything that doesn't fit her pro-scumbag narrative. Then again, if she doesn't, she'll probably get a right kicking from her owner, sorry - husband, when she gets home!
- Dave

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Too Right, Dave! She couldn't form an argument so just kept interrupting Tommy. It should be pointed out it was the British Missionaries & British Army that STOPPED the Muslim Slave Trade in 19th. Century - historical FACT. She;s just an Apologist. Mozzies kill other Mozzies coz they're not 'Muslim enough, orfrom a different sect. The sooner they get rid of it the better it'll be for the entire world!

- alexreid

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There is only one solution short of civil war and that is to ban all religions and places of religion and to take these places into public ownership as well as all of their assets. They will be allowed to pray at home in groups of four max. but not in front of children.
- RobertsNews

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Theodore Roosevelt in "Fear God and Take Your Part," 1916: "Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared. From the hammer of Charles Martel to the sword of Jan Sobieski, Christianity owed its safety in Europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and would fight as well as the Mohammedan aggressor."
- ElKabong

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Oufff yess that sure was painful to watch. She sure was extremely well prepared to counter attack every facts or statement and couldn’t even wait till you finished your phrase to cut you off. Bravo Tommy much love from Quebec Canada xxx
- LadyStardust67

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That Ukrainian journalist brings shame to Russian tv station but also works very well for Tommy to show Tommy in the best light possible :-D Well done, Tommy, and well done RT as it seems RT at least show things the way it is, and Tommy, if you read this, even people who do not know you saw in this video all you wanted people to see (and laugh at that Ukrainian journalist haha)
- GothicRoseNovorossiya

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