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RE: Max Igan - “2020 was the Beta Test“ + What to expect in 2021?

Well he used to be more about undeniable facts. He had a channel called "escaping the matrix" where he was about opening up people's eyes. I don't know his personal story but now he just milks the same crap over and over and is even telling people to rise up against their gov but he's nicely hidden in the bush.

Why I no longer respect him is because he was lying through his teeth saying Melbourne (where I live) was locking people up for not wearing a mask in their car. Among other things that were completely untrue and sensationalist. He lives nowhere near Melbourne and was just going of rumours or exaggerated social media posts.

Cunts like @maxigan are just here for a few bucks. I tried to engage with him in sensible discussion a while ago but he doesn't reply.


I know what you mean - i constantly get emails and replies from Americans
about shit that is supposed to be happening in NZ - i have no idea what they are talking about - i once held my handkerchief over my mouth for about 5 seconds to be allowed on a bus because the driver packed a sad, and that is it - in lockdown not a single person called me out about anything - not once...i was out and about every day but they are generally too scared to say anything to anyone

everything is exaggerated which created fudporn and becomes part of the problem

Yeah society took a giant nosedive.
It was manufactured with the previous 'safe spaces' and 'social justice' movements. Now like you say, there's not many left with fight or will to speak their mind. We're headed towards that Nanny State down under. Government were losing control of society so with this crap now they'll always have rules in place and the constant reminder to "do the right thing."

It's amazing that they criticise China for "communist/breach human rights" yet that's the system they're implementing. The ombudsman here in VIC even declared an instant lock-down of people in housing towers as a breach of human rights but Gov responds with "we're saving lives and we are not sorry."

The world is a mess but one thing I hate is clowns like max and all those other Canadian "truth" channels that are just trying to cash in from the fear and sensationalism. The one I respect is your countrymen Ed from @theouterlight who just tells it like it is and does his research.

He's a maggot hiding behind trees.Anyway... see @maxigan doesn't join the conversation.

I haven't seen him around but have followed him now - thanks