If the so-called politicians abandon us, the God of rural area will surely come to our rescue.
Game of confusion and deception, they will come with charming words, their speech with eloquence and fragrance of perfume, they shows themselves like repentant prodigal son, just to make sure they win our votes, they call us brothers and they even dine with us with their unrevealed deceptive mind.
Its unbearable, how our own have been treating us cruelly, they will shuts our mouths by lying to us that our road is a federal government project in other to have more advantage over us.
When it's gonna be over?, when are we going to cross the red sea or should we expect another Joshua?
Its high time we call spade a spade and also heat the hammer on the nail.
IGU, SHERE AND KAWU WARD, IS GOVERNMENT REJECTED AREA(GRA) politicians only comes to exploit us and our resources and finally dump us like abandon project.
They turn dump ears when youths cry for jobs, road, school, healthcare, empowerment etc. On literal sense this is not much to ask for.
After we went to repair the road, they promise to provide some gravels to fill some water logged area to enable free movement, till now we are still anticipating.
The image our politicians have created in our heart is worst than liars and cheats.

It is not gainsaying to let u know that about three wards (Igu, shere and Kawu) in Bwari area council do not have motorable roads.
These local government predominantly farmers and their farm products need to be transported to urban areas but it is unfortunate that there isn't a proper link between the Rural areas and urban areas in these local government. This has being our Major challenge to convey our goods and other commodities to market during rainfall.
Now that we are in harvest period of our farm product sometimes get spoiled at the expense of the farmers that are usually left to count losses.
The question is, who are we to blame? The rulers or the ruled?
The both are to be blamed, we all have share to what is happening to us. The electorate prefer to sell their votes for #500, one sachet of maggi, Salt or wrappers. Of course every sane human should know that the first and second years are years of refunding their self. we invite them for parties and other religion functions and yet expect them to maintain and create more roads haba let think it right.
Hope is not lost, we can make a change in term of selling or exchanging our votes for money. we still have the choice of not making compulsory for them to attend parties or other religion function like fund raising.


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Well, that's how our governments roll these days. I have been living a particular area around Ogun State. The road is very bad, it gets worsened anything it rains. Yet, our government has not done anything to the road over few years now.

Nice writeup @tankon

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