Venezuela, a country lost in rumors

in PoliticallyIncorrect10 months ago


The situation in Venezuela has become increasingly bleak over the years, where tragedies have become a sad daily occurrence. The South American country, once considered one of the most promising in the region, is now plunged into a deep economic, political, and social crisis. Moreover, the migrant statistics, the economic and political crisis, the current events, and the learned helplessness of its citizens reveal the magnitude of this tragedy.

First of all, the number of migrants is alarming. According to data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it is estimated that more than 5 million Venezuelans have left their country since 2015. This figure represents approximately 15% of Venezuela's total population, making migration one of the largest humanitarian crises in Latin America. Venezuelans have been forced to leave their homes due to a lack of opportunities, food and medicine shortages, violence, and political repression.

The economic crisis has also had a devastating impact on the country. Inflation has reached astronomical figures, exceeding 1,000,000% in 2018, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This has led Venezuelans to face serious difficulties in acquiring basic products, such as food and medicines, which are scarce in the market. The minimum wage in Venezuela is insufficient to cover basic needs, and millions of people are in extreme poverty.

The political crisis has also generated profound instability in the country. Since the rise to power of the late President Hugo Chávez in 1999, and subsequently of Nicolás Maduro, the country has experienced increasing political polarization. The opposition has repeatedly denounced human rights violations, lack of democracy, and abuse of power by the government. This has led to violent protests and repression by security forces, leaving a tragic toll of deaths and injuries.

As for current events, the situation in Venezuela continues to worsen day by day. Shortages of food, medicines, and basic services are increasingly acute. Endless lines at supermarkets are a constant, and the lack of access to adequate medical care has led to an increase in infant mortality and preventable diseases. In addition, lack of electricity and potable water is a recurring problem in many areas of the country.

All this has led Venezuelan citizens to develop a learned helplessness, that is, they have lost hope and have resigned themselves to live in the midst of these tragedies. Many feel powerless in the face of the situation and have lost confidence in the country's institutions to solve their problems. The lack of security and the increase in crime has also contributed to this feeling of vulnerability.

In conclusion, tragedies have become a daily occurrence in Venezuela. The migrant statistics, the economic and political crisis, the current events, and the learned helplessness of its citizens reflect a devastating reality. It is urgent that the international community pay attention to this humanitarian tragedy and provide support to Venezuelans, through humanitarian aid and the promotion of a peaceful political solution that allows the recovery of this Latin American country.

But how does the government manage to keep an entire civilization alienated?

actualidad-venezolana-en-crisis (1).jpg

Well, the needs and shortages prevent the average Venezuelan from finding the cause of their ills, the amount of daily news that evades reality, just take a look at the social network X (formerly Twitter) and be amazed that despite all the above-mentioned we drown in absurd news such as:

  • Miss Venezuela's TV Show.
  • An election to go to a war that will never happen.
  • The resurrection of a murder of a rapper decades ago.
  • The political disqualifications many times agreed between the opposition and the government.
  • Dualities of powers (we had in one year two presidents, two national assemblies, and double ambassadors in the world).
  • Christmas gifts are based on superheroes characterized by the president and the first lady.
  • Ecocides of marine reserves due to oil spills.
  • not to mention the fuel shortage in the country with the largest oil reserves in the world.

As can be seen, there is no rest for the national social and political show business.

What about Venezuelans?

The country, as a result of migration, was reduced to a country of elderly people who live on international remittances and executive bonds, which are small hot cloths that disintegrate in the face of devaluation and growing inflation.

Our young people are scattered around the world -sometimes victims of justified xenophobia and sometimes senseless- because of the same need to look for options to help those of us who are left to survive.

Children are becoming less and less prepared due to the negligence of the educational sector, rebelled by the invisible salary payments that must be complemented with other extra-curricular activities.

The remaining youth have opted to become uniformed "insecurity", where it is more frightening to face a checkpoint of the security forces to crime in the poorest neighborhoods and sectors.

Finally, the work of buying the consciences of the opposition leaders, who play to validate the actions of the executive, has ended up demobilizing a nation full of blessings but lost in the sea of rumors and jocularity in the face of adversity.


The Solution?

The last hope of the citizens lies in the exit of the current regime in the upcoming presidential elections, which every day is based on trickery and obstacles to possible democratic options.

The greatest fear of the day-to-day is a victory of the current government party that would lead to a deepening of migration even of the local pets.

Only time will tell what will become of the awakening of the residents in the country, we can only pray that it does not go through a social crisis that turns into violent options to save what is left of Venezuela and start the civic, moral, productive, political and even spiritual restructuring of a nation lost in the rumors that sustain the evil in power.

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