

You heard me, that's the correct spelling, I hate wiggers.

This statement is a potent non-sequitur logic for victimhood mentality.

Have fun derailing the victimhood mentality with this fancy mental trick, if you hate wiggers, you are literally a non-sequitur to the logic of reason in the movement against straight white males, regardless of what you think of belief, these delusional clowns protesting across the globe are just going to lower the quality of living for everyone who has to make sure they are fed and taken care of while acting like barbarians in the streets.


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Of course you hate Wiggers. And rightfully so. Not only are they white but they're culturally appropriating black culture. Of course they're to be hated.

Lol it's revolting man, like I just do my thing and then get so much hate because I am a broke ass white guy who can't make rent either, these clowns go around with chains worth more than a fucking house and then shoot each other dead of it thinking they are thugs. Truly beyond me how gang culture became so popular, I like the rap music too at times but I don't pick up a gun and roll up to someone and rob them cause of it.

I should have put a smiley face at the end of my post as it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and poking fun at the hypocrisy of woke culture.

That being said thug culture is a sad destruction of the black community; its destroyed too many lives. Thug culture wasn't created by hip hop but it surely glorified ... and liking rap has nothing to do with thug culture.

You picking on the oppressed again bro?


Want to bro down bro? What's up? What's up?


By the looks of all the votes you have hit the nail on the head. (Or is that perpetuating violence) 🤷‍♂️

Violence stems from a cycle of abuse, I don't want to get into psychology cause I am not that qualified.

The cycle of abuse these individuals think they are living in, is bred into them by the culture the experienced growing up.

As a White Ukrainian male in Canada, I couldn't disagree more with the rhetoric coming from people in this cycle abuse because my family moved here from the other side of the world too, and we started with nothing and still have nothing they go so low as to call privilege.

I know Nigerian hive blogs with as much Hive Power as me and who seem just as educated as me, so this whole white privilege thing is coming off as a petty excuse to run away from the horrors of the third world and scape goat innocent people living in the so called "colonized world".

I will not support this mental illness (the cycles of abuse create) and I will not tolerate judgements of my character by people experiencing cognitive dissonance...

If I hear one more person accuse me of this privilege that has a white reflection, I will going to have to start doing investigative journalism into the myth that Ukrainians experienced the Gulags and the same 2nd rate treatment in Canada that the other smaller demographics also experienced.

I would also look at the rate of violent men are fatherless. That stat my surprise ya.

Thats the cycle of abuse I mention, it's systemic and affects entire families, that hand those abusive lifestyles onto their children WHOM THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR.

we just live a pretty strange times, where only the extremes from the different sides can show up :\

Yeah being moderate made people think I was okay with being accused of white privilege. It pissed me off so bad, I have loved basically to the far end of the spectrum, and I mean I want world War 3 if I can not own private property and kill someone for trespassing.

In these trying times, permission, is all anyone should need. If you haven't been given permission, you shouldn't assume anything without direct consent for them person who permission to their domain should be politely asked for.

Coming to my house and accusing me of wrong doing when I am a social recluse would be the most offensive claim someone could make of me. I mind my own business and don't waste my time judging my neighbors, all I expect is the same treatment.

No golden rule is religious in origins, but even I who finds his roots deep in Satanism, and libertarian values, with no God at all, can appreciate the sentiment of treating others how I want to be treated.

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