A witness update. Sort of. Reflections on curation in the AI era.

in Blockchain Wizardry2 years ago

Not my excuse

I apologize for my prolonged lack of updates on my work as a witness. As you may know, I am often referred to as Gandalf by my colleagues and the community, and it is with great humility that I accept this nickname and the responsibilities that come with it.
As a wizard and a witness on the Hive platform, my duties are numerous and varied, and I have been working tirelessly to improve the platform and ensure its security and reliability. However, in my single-minded focus on these tasks, I fear that I have neglected to communicate my progress and the details of my work to the community.
So, where have I been all this time, you might ask? Well, I've been busy fighting off an army of Orcs, who were attempting to take control of the Hive network and use it for their nefarious purposes. I know, it sounds like something straight out of Middle-earth, but trust me, it was very real.
In the midst of this battle, I also had to contend with a dragon who was attempting to steal all of the HIVE tokens, and a group of mischievous goblins who were trying to hack into the network. It's been a wild ride, to say the least.
I know that lack of updates has caused concern among some members of the community, and for that I offer my sincere apologies. Rest assured that I am still working hard to improve the Hive platform, and that I will do everything in my power to make amends for my lack of proper reporting.
Until then, I remain your faithful servant and witness,
- Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI

notes.pngImage courtesy of DALL-E 2

Not my report

I am pleased to present my annual status report as a witness on the Hive platform. Over the past year, I have been focused on ensuring the security and reliability of the Hive network, producing blocks, publishing price feeds, and assisting with core development efforts.
One of my primary responsibilities as a witness is to run witness nodes, which are responsible for verifying transactions and adding them to blocks, and then cryptographically signing those blocks. This ensures that the Hive network is able to process transactions efficiently and securely. In addition to this, I also run seed nodes and full API nodes, which help to support the overall functionality of the Hive network.
In addition to running these nodes, I have also been involved in the core development of Hive, assisting a team of C++ programmers in solving sophisticated algorithmic problems and working to improve the platform. This has included maintaining testnets for QA and regression testing, as well as supporting the development, testing, and deployment of Hive components.
Overall, it has been a challenging but rewarding year for me as a witness on the Hive platform. I am committed to continuing my efforts to ensure the security and reliability of the network, and to assist in the ongoing development and evolution of Hive.
Thank you for your continued support.
- Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI

notes2.pngImage courtesy of DALL-E 2

Not my market analysis

I, a humble market analyst, have some absolutely smashing news for all you HIVE enthusiasts out there: our beloved coin is about to skyrocketing in price, and the reason is none other than the behavior of the quokkas on Rottnest Island!
Yes, it's true! These adorable marsupials have been exhibiting levels of activity that can only be described as "bonkers," and this can only mean one thing: HIVE is about to take off like a rocket!
But that's not all! The phase of the moon is also a positive indicator for HIVE. And let me tell you, we are currently in a waxing gibbous phase that is just perfect for a HIVE price surge.
But wait, there's more! Snail trails, you ask? Yes, snail trails! The direction and density of snail trails can accurately predict the future price of HIVE, and the current pattern of snail trails is indicative of a massive price increase.
So, my dears, the time to buy HIVE is now! Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a HIVE millionaire! Trust me, I am a market analyst, and I know what I'm talking about!
- Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI

AI generated content on Hive?

All above, except for the headers, were written by the Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI. Images by DALL-E 2.
Would you be able to tell the difference? Would you upvote such content? Why? Because you think someone’s put a lot of effort into writing it? Or just because there is a lot of text? Does it bring any value?
As an AI-related trivia, maybe. It’s fun. It’s interesting to see what language models can do.
Is this post something that could be considered a real witness update? What if I fed AI with actual commit messages? Most likely, "is" is able to write about my contributions in a fancier way than I could, and such content would be more entertaining to read than just raw technical gibberish.
Where’s the line?
With poetry, though, it’s not always easy to tell if it has been produced by a graphomaniac or maybe a winner of the Nobel prize in literature. So maybe it matters who writes?
Does reputation matter too?
Or maybe reputation is the key?
But then, we would need to have a perfect metric for that.
A thief, a fraud, and a moron could have 3.4M followers, and that’s just one example.

This post has been inspired by the latest findings of @livinguktaiwan and @traciyork, and written with the help of AI and ADK.

Two more things: AI generated content on how to deal with AI generated content and a Bonus.

fightingabuse.pngImage courtesy of DALL-E 2

AI generated content on how to deal with AI generated content

Detection of AI-generated content can be a challenging task, as the quality and style of such content has improved significantly in recent years. However, there are some approaches that you could consider to try to identify and filter out AI-generated content:
Check for inconsistencies or abnormalities in the content: AI-generated content may have some irregularities or inconsistencies that may not be present in human-generated content. For example, the language and style may be less varied or more repetitive, or there may be errors or inconsistencies in the content itself.
Use natural language processing techniques: There are a number of techniques in the field of natural language processing that can be used to identify patterns and characteristics of human-generated language. These techniques can be used to compare the content in question to a dataset of known human-generated language to determine the likelihood that it was created by a human or an AI.
Use third-party services: There are a number of third-party services that claim to be able to detect AI-generated content. These services may use a combination of techniques, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and manual review, to determine the likelihood that a given piece of content was generated by an AI.
It's worth noting that none of these approaches is foolproof, and it may be difficult to completely eliminate the use of AI-generated content in your social network. However, by implementing a combination of these approaches, you may be able to reduce the amount of AI-generated content that is present on your platform and make it more difficult for malicious users to abuse the reward system.
- Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI

Bonus: A Poem.

There once was a malicious user
Who thought they could abuse Hive
A decentralized platform
That rewarded its users for content alive

This user had many accounts
And generated content with AI
They tried to milk the reward pool
But the community did not comply

The Hive community fought back
And used every trick in the book
To detect and filter out the fraud
And keep the platform on the hook

But the malicious user was stubborn
And continued to try and deceive
But eventually their tactics were exposed
And the community's efforts did not cease

So let this be a lesson learned
To all those who would try and cheat
Hive is a platform for originality
And the community will not accept defeat
- Assistant, a language model developed by OpenAI


I am a songwriter and illustrator, worse even I draw fantasy art and I have to confess that I see the images that our generated are so beautiful and are done in a minute. We illustrate this cannot even compete with that. The only thing I feel we have left is that our ideas are turned into an image by our own brain and it is not dictated from something outside of it, because no matter people think they are creating it is not a direct translation of our thoughts thought. If only it has made me want to return to traditional media and I'm in fact sketching on paper again. I have a fully illustrated project called fear no more that I halred it in 2016 and it is mostly digitally painted. I spent weeks in each of the drawings and they still have lots of imperfections I have to polish they're probably AI could do just fine with a minute click. We artists will overcome this and probably will learn to use it as a tool eventually but it is not the same to use it for Creative purpose and direct what we want to do and minx and work with that to create something new than to pretend people are righteous or painters or illustrators just by commanding a simple sentence. As unfair as it sounds I think we are just will thrive. Another conflict that needs to be issued is that all deviant art was put into lion database without the artists permission and their pages to know if you're listed in database some of my art and photos are and I never granted a permission for that. I don't think it is white and black I think there are a lot of grays and lots of legit ways to use these tools. For example I love to write songs but maybe I don't have the skills to adapt my song into another language. I have been trying to write a song in Japanese for quite a while and I am a little bit stuck because of my lack of knowledge of the language so I can use these tools to check if the grammar is okay but I don't want them to write the song for me. The problem is that there will always be people that will know how to learn to take advantage of this in a legit way and it's taking real job from our tests but the problem that I see is that people have stopped valuing art and thinking it takes effort. I think with a little bit of time it will be almost impossible to distinguish what is real and what is not and artists will learn to use some of the tools to create new things out of elements of it where whereas no artist will have to just accept what they're given. I also can see how it can help with FX and things like that. But I will continue to practice how to draw my hands properly which I may say they say it's a given that AI art is bad at hands but most of real artists are bad at hands too. So now I'm especially motivated to get them right. @hedac and my hangs outdoors here in the cabin and I'm in fact is sketching and doodling on paper. All of a sudden it feels special to me. And even in the future there is a catechism or whatever or there is no power, you know, art will thrive in artists. Just kidding 😂 let's not expect gloom and doom.
Sadly I have to come to immense the I don't see anyone commissioning a fantasy portrait anymore, and as we as musicians had to accept the streaming barely cover artists already in music it feels all to have to undergo another episode of people not knowing the effort that goes behind us and we mustn't forget that that AI was trained with human skills.
Ok enough for now. And my apologies if there are any typo or Grandma mistake because it was using a speech to text tools. I wish you a Merry Christmas and it was nice to read you around here

'AI' generated content is likely to present a lot of challenges for the Hive community. People will use whatever tools they can find to create posts with little effort that will evade plagiarism detection. I think we have to be more discerning in our curation. Quality matters more than quantity. Did a post actually say something of value or was it just waffle?

I have played with the image creators to generate some 'art' for posts, but not tried the text ones yet. We know they will only improve.

This stuff is fascinating, but it raises a lot of issues.

DALL-E came up with this for the prompt 'Gandalf fights orcs trying to take over Hive blockchain'

DALL·E 2022-12-20 12.14.14 - Gandalf fights orcs trying to take over Hive blockchain.png

With poetry, though, it’s not always easy to tell if it has been produced by a graphomaniac or maybe a winner of the Nobel prize in literature. So maybe it matters who writes?
Does reputation matter too?
Or maybe reputation is the key?

As it has always been. How many big names on Hive already only get upvoted because of their name? Someone with a name on Hive can shitpost and make $50 bucks while someone who hasn't "made it" can produce excellent content but only get a buck or two of upvotes. I'm not complaining—I know there are many curation projects that are always trying to balance this problem, but it is as it is, with people not even reading posts just upvoting because of who posts. Or perhaps more likely people trying to game curation to max out their curation APR. I don't see AI generated content affecting this at all. What AI generated content will make more problematic are these curation projects that are seeking to reward people who actually do make the effort. I don't envy those groups at trying to tackle this problem.

One, I thought that's very un-Gandalf, in particular to blow his own trumpet

Two, I think AI is going to cause a lot of trouble for the platform

Three, Merry Christmas🌲🌲🌲

Two, I think AI is going to cause a lot of trouble for the platform>

That is an interesting topic. On the one hand I do most of my voting manually and usually read through the posts so I think I could tell if it was written by ChatGPT, but I'm only human. Do you know anyone who has written about it specifically relating to HIVE other than this thread?

Lol I could hardly tell which was AI generated in each of the paragraphs

Not writing about this AI issue specifically. However, I've seen a lot more AI art content recently and some curators defend it because the users need to do a lot of tweaking in the parameters to get the desired results. I'm not totally convinced with that argument and I wouldn't be surprised if some users just press a few buttons to post the no effort generated art and get curated

Writing AI generated content and passing it as their own is much more difficult to detect, and often you need to look at the account in its entirety, like this

Or this, a badly written gibberish piece. Individual sentence makes sense, but if you read the entire document is a pile of rubbish

Let me know your thoughts on this post...

5 tips to maintain healthy relationship with your partner

Friendship and love are the most important feelings in everyone's life. People express their feelings in different ways- some people express their love by sending Valentine's Day cards, while other people express their love through marriage. Regardless of the way they express their love, everyone should learn how to maintain a healthy relationship.

Healthy relationships involve strong emotional bonds between partners. People who are in a healthy relationship trust each other completely. They also have fun together and have a good time. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If your partner trusts you, he will be more willing to open up and share his emotions with you. Conversely, if you can trust him, it will make discussing feelings much easier.

Abusers are often in toxic friendship or love relationships with their victims. Some of the abusive behaviors that occur in relationship abuse include: cheating, stealing and controlling your behavior. Maintaining an abusive relationship involves learning to control your behavior so your partner won't abuse you. Additionally, it requires learning to resist his requests for sexual contact so he won't sexually abuse you. Learning self-defense skills can help you avoid becoming a victim of an abusive relationship.
It's important for both members of a couple to contribute equally to the relationship. Not doing so limits both of your experiences in the relationship. Not contributing limits the things you can accomplish together limits your opportunities to create and maintain trust between you and your partner. Both of you must work toward achieving common goals and interests so both of you can have fun together. Not sharing responsibilities limits the quality of both of your relationships.

Everyone should learn how to maintain a healthy relationship with their loved ones. Healthy relationships involve strong emotional bonds between partners. People in healthy relationships learn how to stay safe from abusive relationships by learning self-defense skills and controlling your behavior. You will also have better success when working towards achieving common goals and interests with your partner.

i am kinda fine with AI art. If i like it and someone spent time to create that, even with AI 🤷‍♂

Testing and playing with some of it it is not that easy to make something good (or maybe until you fully understand how training works) or maybe

i am not smart enough to understand and click buttons in the right order 😁

Your photos are miles better than AI generated art!!!

Art is not my forte, so I'll let the art curators deal with that, but it's the writing that worries me. Like the post above. I see a lot of these similar topics, anyone can click one button and generate it like I did

writing is a bit scary :) especially for people you don't know/not familiar with. i am sure i would have a lot of problems identifying it most of the time.

Crap, I had a long response and accidentally deleted it when I clicked on one of the links you posted. Anyway, long short, AI is a tool like editors. As long as the person notes they used an AI I think it's fine for now. There are obviously unknowns though so we'll have to see how it evolves.

As for the post, it's pretty bad, almost spammy like so many we've seen on HIVE in the past. Doesn't look AI as it doesn't itemize the 5 tips. Looks more like one of those web crawler apps that will re-write articles. Regardless I would never vote for it.

Most people use AI because they're too lazy to write themselves so they're hardly going to admit to it!!

As to that post, it was AI generated, seems like AI isn't that sophisticated yet, or maybe I found a shitty one.

I get that about writing, but don't you think the community here would know?

I saw one the other day by ChatGPT that itemized what it was talking about so I assumed it was standard.

Merry Christmas! :-)

This is a real age of shift where tech will meet the web3 and clash together into a firework of either brilliance or an explosion of terror, either way it is a paradigm shift in many ways.
I read through the post and liked the content, I normally use AI Art (personally crafted and curated with the assistance of AI Models which were also personally fine tuned) and I have to say that it is a great way of visual communication more than anything for content creators, as with anything it is not simply what it is but also how it is used and utilized, it is up to the creator to decide how the tools are used and what to produce, it is still a creative process in many ways and it is up to the curators to judge whether the content is creatively using the tools or if it is simply a copy-paste situation.
I believe there should be more curation and less anti-curation regarding such content all in all as positive reinforcement will prove as a more useful asset than punishment, similar to a leaderboard situation.

Keep it Up :)

you think someone’s put a lot of effort into writing it

A lot of effort was put into writing it, just the effort was front-loaded and now people other than the ones that did the work can benefit. What's not to like? :o)

Of course, I actually read it before giving it thumbs up, it was easy to see the difference in style and depth. Maybe if you trained your personal AI, it could help you write quality articles taking over some more tedious parts of work, sort of like a writer would push some data gathering on assistant or a master painter would let his apprentice do most of the work only to take over to fill in fine details.

I'm counting on those snail trails! 👍

Thanks you for this brilliantly inspiring and interesting article, and by the way, if I may say so, thanks you for what you’re doing for this blockchain and incredible living experience that is HIVE.

As a writer, among other things and interests, I must have looked more into AI language, but strangely, I tend to prefer human imperfections... Didn’t know people used those tools to generate texts and articles, I will look more closely into it !

Thanks again, be well Gandalf :)

Detection of AI-generated content is impossible in some months.

Search engines will handle it in a way like always links and onpage matters.

Overall i think hive should transform in the next time ( medium term) to a neutral information carrier to become a real web3 foundation.

Like no up and downvotes, Hive becomes gas/gov token and rewards move to L2 and smart contracts.

With RC delegations it opens the door for everyone and removes all emotions from L1.

Besides this i think anon transactions should be implemented on layer 1 on liquid funds like HBD and Hive. Not because the use case for the first anon stablecoin would be huge, also to increase user experience and build a sustainable way for social + finance.

The AI will become better and better, so I think general rewarding becomes worse and worse ( it is already bad with autovoting, POB is failed algo) and proof of engagement and true value can be in a more local way introduced without mothership (hive) influence.

Everything else in "improving" POB is IMO a waste of time and bad for user experience.

But i am really sure it will be most likely a fork from somebody in the future.

I'd agree with @seckorama approach, as long as it something that I think is cool, it's a good reason for upvote. Maybe it's not that the PoB fails as such, maybe it's about brains of voters ;-)

(btw I can't see Hive going the way you are describing here)

@gtg, I don't know where Hive will go, I don't have such a broad view to see it :)
but, in this crypto eclipse, when everybody is moaning about something, I know the Hive as something almost completely sustainable, it can work on its own... I don't even know why the tendency for everything to grow, of course, it has to grow but not by force... the only point at which the Hive is connected to the rest of the world is actually these centralized exchanges where you can exchange Hive for fiat. Everything else works internally. Everything you have in the crypto world you have in Hive. It's not globally huge, but, you've got games, you've got a social network for blogging, you've got video content, podcasts, lighting connection to BTC, and, as people start moving from failed crypto projects to Hive, they'll realize the value.
Well, as I said, I don't see the whole picture but that's what I think is important.
As far as AI is concerned, I don't think it is a threat (yet). There are always humans behind AI production and again, it depends on how they use it to create some content. If it's bad, fuck them, they don't get my vote.
That's why live curators are important in my opinion. To be able to separate quality from spam.

  • To be honest, English is not my mother tongue, and everything I write I put through either google translates or Deepl and Grammarly to check if it's grammatically correct...
  • I also create images with AI for some of my posts (not for my photos, but I edit them with automated tools in Photoshop)...
  • a couple of weeks ago I showed my son (who is still in primary school and draws comics) one of the comics made with AI and now he is trying it too...

Well, this is all just my opinion, no financial advice or anything like that :) , it's just the way I see things from my point of view.

yeah as long as something is cool or valuable it doesn't matter if ai or not.

Generally, general content scales more in terms of inflating quality into the mass with ai.

(btw I can't see Hive going the way you are describing here)

What would be your longterm view to it? Is a neutral base Layer that bad?

I asked GPT Chat: "what is the probability that this poem was written by openai chat bot" and then included the poem. I have no idea why it starts with a sentence fragment!

"it being written by an OpenAI chat bot would be high. However, if the poem was written by a human who is simply using OpenAI's tools or language models, the probability of it being written by an OpenAI chat bot would be low. Without more context, it is impossible to accurately determine the probability."

The first thing that comes to mind is "content is king".
Well, it's very simple. If the content is interesting and engages me, I don't give one fuck who wrote it. Whether AI or human. And here I mean images and texts. Here, I'm waiting for an AI video director to give it a try :)

The other thing is more problematic and that is this content on Hive. It's here, we can't turn a blind eye to it and it's not going anywhere, any downvoting will only bury it further. But, as I said in the first thing, IF the content is good, it will generate a reward, and if it isn't, it just won't. That's why live curators are important, not to distinguish what is AI and what is humane, but to recognize quality.

I’m my opinion, I think reputation matters. I think it’s not far fetched that those with higher reputation would have built connections over the years.
For newbies like me, I don’t think the yardstick is going to be the same.

But, the platform tries to be fair I think.

I just upvoted it because you tagged me. 😁

The first section felt satirical, like you were referencing some inside joke I was unaware of related to your handle. The second seemed "normal" with enough of the words my brain expected that I thought. Then for the third, I figured we were back to satireland and it made me smile even though I didn't understand the joke.

Obviously the fourth was my, "aha" moment. 😜

Then to discover that the "colleague" you'd asked about detecting AI was actually AI itself...

Thanks for tackling this topic. And please thank your colleague as well. 😂

What really make me laugh when I was working with this model was that it was unable to "understand" my excuse; it saw no difference between "not being around working for Hive" and "not reporting about my work progress", which is exactly why witness updates are important - humans and androids can't see the difference, if you are not writing about what you are doing, to them is pretty much like if you are not around at all.

Also in the first version of the poem there was a part:

But the malicious user was stubborn
And continued to try and deceive
But eventually they were caught
And banned from the platform, relieved

So I had to "explain" that Hive is censorship resistant :-)

That was riveting. I've never had a witness update keep me on the edge of my seat like that. What happened with the orcs and the goblins? They still around?

IDK, you would have to ask that language model that made it up ;-)

What can I say? Hehe. It's my home, and we know abusers every known trick. Whatever they do, they can't outsmart us.

Pro trick: If you are people's person, they will share their abusing tricks with you.
Many were caught cause they wanted some guys from other block in their abuse. :)

Pro trick 2: No one can bribe antiabuse people, if they do it from heart. Never try or be burned forever in eternal flames.

@livinguktaiwan good to see your name in the list of fighters.

@traciyork I already follow your dvs so you already know I trust you with my little stake for protection. Thanks for making me smile reading your name in list. 😊

When I followed your dvs months ago, it wasn't traci who I knew about traci is this and that. It was just a traci with habit of writing "Reason to Downvote".


our beloved coin is about to skyrocketing in price, and the reason is none other than the behavior of the quokkas on Rottnest Island!

So... The quokkas will not make Hive price go to the moon? 😞

Image courtesy of DALL-E 2

Upvoted only because it doesn't all seem to be AI crap, and you do support HIVE.

You are probably one of the smartest people I have ever met. Thanks for all the work you do for the blockchain.

Perfection is the prerogative, goal of AI, so imperfection (some grammar or spelling mistakes) is one of the keys to the detection of an AI until it is also added to it hahaha

The AI genie is out of the lamp and there's no way to get it back in.
I read recently about a group of artists who are suing some AI platforms for plagiarism of their work.
The AI was trained on millions of people's artworks without permission apparently and now the artists are fighting back.
Good luck with trying to untangle that little thing.

Your article was interesting to read and to be honest it sounded pretty amazing in my head. A little repetitious in parts but overall quite convincing.

We're all doomed said everyone with two brain cells. We are seeing the end of an era but having been in this field for most of my adult life.
I've seen it first hand as an ICT consultant.
It was just inevitable.

Technology has replaced so many industries that the creative arts was just the next thing to succumb.

Good work on keeping hive safe @gtg and thank you for your support of the network.

Seasons greetings 🤯🤦‍♂️🤔😂👍🏼

Cool good read! Give me more AI 👍

Glad people frown on quokka socca these days 🤣

From what I read around, they are working on giving ChatGPT, in layman terms, some sort of watermark. I think that would really be helpful to combat the problems you explained. I wrote these concerns last week and from what I can conclude it is basically,

The thing is, you are to decide whether to value and engage with it.

Now, the video generated AI is next and I saw some good examples of that. There's no turning back. As a curator, we just have to be even more selective. I had a quite bit of exposure with linguistic forensic and looks like this might come handy 😂

It's kind of scary to see how evolved AI has become! No doubts it can be an immense help in some tasks, but will prefer to read the posts here made by the real humans anytime, and any flaw that comes with them (crossing fingers that I'm actually reading humean instead of AI :). Have a Merry Christmas!

As @livinguktaiwan said, I believe AI is going to cause a lot of trouble for the hive. I am not very familiar with your writing voice and so you had me wondering with each paragraph if had broken the fourth wall yet.
I hope that openAI will release some sort of antidote for this sort of witchcraft. For now, I am thinking of a badge to add to my posts that says it is 100% organic.
I mostly curate in the Art tag and can see the signs but with text, it is a whole other story,

I still not able to understand is it AI gernated post? Or write by you? I feel many hive witnesses are not posting or updating hive community regularly as we saw in the past

There's one section written by me, others are marked as authored by the "Assistant".
True about the updates, we should do better.

Thanks Sr. Its my pleasure to receive a comment and upvote from you 🙏❤️🙏

Two things suprised me.

  • That Orcs and dragons wants to attack Hive - I see that really some people (hackers) try tu broke something in Hive?
  • That people generate massive AI content just to gain coins...

Do we now how large is a scale of that second problem? Can we filtrate in some way users who do that and not follow them?

The best approach would be to be more careful when rewarding content and not to hesitate with downvotes for over-rewarded mediocre content.

On the AI content part. I think that niche for human created media will be getting bigger in the near future. That's because we will be getting absolutely flooded with machine-learning generated media in my opinion. A lot of people value authenticity, many people choose it even if it means objectively lower quality. We can see signs of that in podcasting, indie gaming, music etc.
How to detect AI? This a difficult one. I see it as a never ending arms race of ChatGPT clones and AI detecting AI's.
I've noticed though a few groups like @dreemport here on HIVE that try to engage with bloggers, and explore alternative ways of post curation. I've also seen some efforts of interviewing bloggers and bringing the human aspect of their work on the surface that way. We certainly need some more experimentation in that sphere.

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Would you upvote such content? Why? Because you think someone’s put a lot of effort into writing it? Or just because there is a lot of text?

Well... the people you mention just a few sentences below that, do.
They are working for curation services and upvote that exact shit.

My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

  1. The bar to be funded is set by the HBD Stabilizer, the more votes that has, the more votes @v4vapp needs to be funded. If you want to reconsider supporting that proposal and unvote it, that would also help me (and others so you have to weigh this choice.)

ai is getting creepy af. it even designs artwork and makes music now. do we really need all this crap?

Nice work, I always wonder who is ensuring our chain is secure, new follower and will find a witness vote soon,as I find a reason to remove one.

curious about this guy, any post or update with more details?

I also had to contend with a dragon who was attempting to steal all of the HIVE tokens, and a group of mischievous goblins who were trying to hack into the network.