I haven't in a very long while and hope to never have to. They make it easy to port your number between carriers these days and mine is known by a network of business contacts so I wouldn't even consider it. I hope your situation works itself out with the number change for the inconvenience.
Identity theft is so rampant and we place so much trust in the sim card connection of the 2fa validation process I know why it must be a pain in the ass. That and the poor fucks who have to walk angry people through too much process are often paid a wage that is a shade above illegal. Doesn't make for a great experience for anyone.
A 25 year-old-phone number must have been like cigarettes to quit!
Yeah, it all worked out, keeping my old number helped of course. It's in that Samsung A35 I mention in the post (newly bought) so I've lost nothing at all and swPping over was easy.