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RE: Cleo in the jungle

in Galenkp's Stuff10 months ago

Awww so cute!

We have three cats.
Squeek is the elders, a dull grey cat that is sort of skittish and doesn't make a meow sound... a squeek instead.
Lexi is a tabby/siamese cross that is tiny. She is a drama queen and likes to talk (that is the siamese in her). She looks pissed off but really likes to cuddle.
And then there is Mittens. We got him when he was a kitten and he is nearly Squeek's size. I think he's going to be huge. He is a fat ass and a trash panda... He's adorable and he eats a lot.

We got mittens when we lost Chai, a dull tea coloured ginger kitty that was run over by a bus... still miss him a lot. He was nearly as dumb as Mittens lol.


Reading your comment I get the sense that your cats bring you a lot of happiness, as mine also have. They're special creatures and I'm so grateful I've had them in my life.

When I've lost mine, Dixie, Gemmi and Merlin I've been rather devastated and I'll be the same when Cleo is gone. But having them in my life made it better and that's what counts.

Indeed. I love the cats and they make Claire happy as well. As much as it is sad to see them go, we need our cats. As you say, they make our lives better and we spoil them for it! Haha!

I hope Cleo stays around for a long time to come!

Well, if yours get as pampered as mine did and Cleo still does they'll live long lives. I treat my cats better than I treat people...I like them more than people too. 🙄 (Not joking.)

Indeed! People are mostly awful!